Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 186,687,340 Issue: 509 | 26th day of Hiding, Y13
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5 Neopian Villains That Aren't Actually That Bad

There are some in the Gallery that I personally think really shouldn't be there at all.

by mr_holithon
Top Ten Vegan Stores in Neopia

You don't need to be vegan to enjoy these Neopian stores. If you're not, think of them as a challenge to try something different!

by luv_my_pets_666
Get Your Pets to Eat Broccoli

There are a variety of interesting ways to add broccoli to every pet's diet.

by jj2277
How to Educate Your Neopet on a Budget

The age-old tradition of reading books.

by alemar1912
Courtesy on the Neoboards

Some plain and simple rules any Neopian should follow whilst on the boards.

by chax1414
A Habitarium Guide for Slow Computers

Both of these methods work great; you will just need to find the one that works best for you and your computer.

by silly_mistake
Paint Brush Polls: Robot

Over 200 users voted and the top 10 pets are on display below. Prepare yourself to be awed--just don't stand too close, in case someone short-circuits...

by kallykat_03
A World of Screenies

You will find screenies all over the Internet, but less common are places where it has developed into the art form that it has in Neopia.

by weaponstar
Cavillace's Guide to Customising a Mutant Neopet

I have decided to submit my own article for those who share my mutant form. Here is your option for how to customise a mutant Neopet...

by mamasimios
Grundo Independence Day: The Top Five Grundos

*BZZT* All Grundos to the recreation deck, please. Repeat. All Grundos to the recreation deck immediately, please. Thank you.

by kadface
Mutant Day Customization

Mutant Day is upon us again! A day to celebrate Sloth and his most wonderful creations.

by kuroge
Dressing Your Mutant - 25 Wearables You Should Know

You may think mutants are un-customizable because they can't wear regular clothing, right? Well – wrong!

Also by sinistrous

by agedbeauty

Top 10 Mutant Shopkeepers

It’s Mutant Day. The whole of Neopia is slathered in slime, tentacles, and of course the monstrous creations of Dr. Sloth...

by _owlsong_
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"When Mr. Weatherby Forgot How To Say No" by partonsvite
Most days, it was quiet. Today had been one of those days, and I relished it. I perched atop my beaten old stool and retrieved my spectacles from my waistcoat pocket; the world slipped into focus as I placed them delicately on my beak, and leaned in to work. There was a really rather broken watch scattered about my workbench, its myriad of beautiful brass parts glinting gently...

Other Stories


Plastic Flowers
The Xweetok closed his eyes and tried to remember a happier time. A time when things weren't so grey and empty, a time when he didn't have to worry...

by dayoflove


Luck doesn't always work the way you want it, but karma will....

by limenutrocks


Torch in the Darkness: Part Three
We traveled in relative silence. When I explained to Faith about having to run from Xweetoks, she nodded quietly, not acting very surprised at all.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998


Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Nine
"So that's why you set the Selkets loose in my house!" I blurted.

by hedgehog_queen


Tangeriiine's Birthday #3
You are invited to attend!

by mistyqee


Bread and Butter
You are what you eat Part 3

by _epiphany_

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