Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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Mrs. Doppelganger

Naturally, my research began with uncovering the true identity of Mrs. Doppelganger.

by phadalusfish
The Color Debate: Halloween or Christmas

Help save the pie! Pies are people too! Oh, wait...

by chanooa
Fangtastic Meals for a Halloween Party!

Deciding what to serve at your party can be a tough decision; you want a few choices so even the pickiest guest can find something they love.

by xoxkar
Hip Halloween Habits

Does your pet want to look unique this Halloween? Help them stand out in the sea of Fyoras and Dr. Sloths!

Also by akikins

by valikthebuilder

Ob-Nox-ious Neohomes

Castle Nox is an inspiration to everyone on this Hallows Eve. It's the place to go, and many have spent hours inside, studying every aspect of those walls.

by be2aware
Witchy Ways to Celebrate All Hallow's Eve

How exactly do those of a witchy persuasion celebrate this extraordinary event? Look no further than this article!

by saphireblue3
Haunted Woods Exploration – Spooky Fauna

Join me in the Haunted Woods, where I will explore the fauna found deep in creepy dark forests and fearsome graveyards!

by petitehirondelline
The Top Ten Spooky Pets

So, are you considering painting a pet for Halloween, but aren't quite certain what sort of colour and species to choose?

by alt1981black
Which Evil Neopets Villain Are You?

Take this quiz to find out!

by xox_cloud_xox
Who to Avoid When You're Trick or Treating

The top 10 people NOT to visit when you’re trick or treating!

by ballerinafaerie
10 Safety Precautions You Should've Taken

You may think that going with your owner is dorky, but think of all the dangers lurking outside your Neohome at night.

by riiley2007
What Kind of Candy Would You Be if You Were a Candy?

Well, put yourself in a chocolate bar's shoes.

by poogleluver345
Advanced Key Quest Mini-Game Strategies Part 3

This week we have a spooky Halloween surprise as one of the Key Quest Mini-Games. Will these tips help you?

by mastertrainer9750
Surviving the Season: Tricky Treats

Originally Halloween was a time feared by many and celebrated by the evil few. But now it is become a silly holiday.

by neom_777
Trick or Treat: Best and Worst

If you thought Fish Pops were bad, you have seen nothing yet.

by mypetsandi
Ghost Bopper Guide

When playing the game, it is best to use the number pad to the right of your keyboard; trying to play without it will make it very difficult.

by coraire
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10 Safety Precautions

You may think that going with your owner is dorky, but think of all the dangers lurking outside your Neohome at night. There are scary things out there. Trust me. If you still think it's dorky going with your owner, ask to go with friends. Note how I said "friends", not "a friend"; the more of you the better. Less likely something will happen to you. Go in groups of four or more just in case. I'd really recommend going with your owner, though; I mean it's much safer that way, and although maybe not as fun as going with your friends, it's still pretty fun...

Other Stories


Dead Flowers
It lay in a mass of tangled vines, broken stones and dark, barren dirt.

by fuzzymonkey31


Spectre in the Night
It was her favourite time of the day, when the dying sun set the heavens ablaze and painted the sky red and gold.

by kalnya


Ties That Bind: Part Two
The Earl withdrew a piece of parchment from his waistcoat pocket. "I have a favor to ask of you, Mr. Harwood."

by merlynia


History of the Vampire: Part One
Lessee walked confidently down the dark, dusty path through the Woods. Venue padded silently behind her, clasping his hands together nervously.

by dragon_imaginer


No Sugar
It was the night of All Hallows Eve...

by pawz11


Babysitting Problems: Halloween Special
Happy Halloween, everybody!

by pepper_kitten44

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