Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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Continued Series

The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Seven

"Don't worry," Milk said out loud, as if trying to convince himself. "We'll get her somehow..."

by xaetear
High Society: Part Three

"Everyone knows Jennings can't be stopped. The full might of the Shenkuu Empire wasn't enough to hold him. Better to be on his side than against him."

by herdygerdy
Magic Vs. Money: Part Seven

"We have no case against Mr. Mogul..."

by al_bester
The Sorcery Society: Part Six

"Eighty-four?" she asked wearily. "There hasn't been a house eighty-four on this street since ten years ago, when the Vendettes lived there..."

by iris220_ll
Undercover Defenders - Swamped: Part Five

"The last berry's gotta be the hardest, huh?" Levi said, lying on top of a tree stump, defeated.

by popso_the_hopso
Chronicles of the Chosen: The Last Battle - Part Five

"Don't go there," Fyora warned.

by pretsel_is_back
The House on the Hill: Part Three

"Reggie, get back here!" Bruno called after him. There was no way that the Gelert could let his younger brother chase a mysterious figure through a dark house by himself...

by izziemushroom
Princess Mind-Reader: Part Four

"The thing I have to tell you is..."

by thornfoot2
Story of a Zombie: Part Three

I was framed.

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt

Tales From Number Five: The Three Faeries - Part Two

She knew that she was in very deep trouble. She could only hope that Queen Fyora would be merciful this time.

by rider_galbatorix
Hannah and the Kreludorian Tunnels: Part Two

The only step left was to go into the tunnels.

by akhatib96
Ties That Bind: Part Two

The Earl withdrew a piece of parchment from his waistcoat pocket. "I have a favor to ask of you, Mr. Harwood."

by merlynia
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"Vandebart Biggsby's Bedtime Story" by garbot
"You there! You seem like a sharp young fellow!" Vandebart Biggsby called out to the crowd wandering the Haunted Faire. "Try your luck at apple bobbing! I'll give you double the prizes if you're successful." A yellow Skeith, looking as witless as he did round, stopped and smirked at the elderly Gnorbu. "Too easy. Don't make me laugh, old man!" The Skeith mocked. His smug demeanor shattered with a wimpy yelp as a small, dizzy Korbat who was following close behind...

Other Stories


Spectre in the Night
It was her favourite time of the day, when the dying sun set the heavens ablaze and painted the sky red and gold.

by kalnya


Costume Adventure
As always, everyone was supposed to be dressed as something scary or spooky. The problem was that I had absolutely no idea what I was going to be!

by annuuna


Advanced Key Quest Mini-Game Strategies Part 3
This week we have a spooky Halloween surprise as one of the Key Quest Mini-Games. Will these tips help you?

by mastertrainer9750


Witchy Ways to Celebrate All Hallow's Eve
How exactly do those of a witchy persuasion celebrate this extraordinary event? Look no further than this article!

by saphireblue3


Wrong Kind of 'Scary'
Don't you think you're taking Halloween a little too seriously?

by fleurdust


In the Name of Science
Look on the bright side! At least you won't need a costume next year!

by lombre

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