Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 175,667,379 Issue: 358 | 5th day of Gathering, Y10
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The Outsider's Guide to Reselling

Patience is key.

by euro_trish
Being A True Guild Leader

What does it take to be a true guild leader?

by dylanreborn
The Guide to Grooming

Shampoo is usually your first choice if your Neopet has fur or hair. (Trust me, there's a BIG difference.)

by cc_coffman98
Parlax: Bad Guy or Good Guy?

According to Gorix, Parlax was quite a reliable, good friend who had got him out of many sticky situations. They were a good team.

by wildwindtornado
The Truth About the National Neopian Bank

You ask a fellow Neopian where you can safely store your extra neopoints, and they point you along to a large stone building in Neopia Central.

by swim_champ_2004
Neopians for the Ethical Treatment of Petpets

Neopians for the Ethical Treatment of Petpets (NETP) believes the following games are unethical treatment of petpets.

Also by volsi

by faithstarlite

A Prickly Potion Explanation (Finally!)

As far as Battledome weapons go, there are no weapons that can do what the Prickly Potion does in its price range.

Also by destinationxunknown

by noob

Hungry Skeith - It's Feeding Time!

You work at the so called "Jelly Factory", and sort the jellies into their respective vats as they make their way down a conveyor belt.

by big_brother_deluxe
Item Pricing Theory: The Basics... or is it?

I GUARANTEE that you will be able to save money by simply reading this.

by chaos_lives
A Realtor and Designer's Guide to the New Neohomes

The new neohomes can be built free in any country of Neopia.

by courage7856
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"Moonchild" by concertogreat_8
She's dancing, all alone, on the wet grass under the full moon. Her arms are outstretched and her thin white nightgown flies out around her legs as she twirls round and round. Her hair looks like liquid silver in the moonlight; she's like something unearthly, strange."Natty!" Claire is calling her. Claire is always calling. Claire is the one who watches out for her, of course. She likes that...

Other Stories


Alone No More
Alarmed, Seth stared at her and shook his head innocently. "But I didn't do it!" It was true.

by whiskerun


Strictly Vegetarian
The Lenny gasped. "You eat meat?! How can you do that?!"

by duckieballoon


A Tale of Two Faeries: Part Three
"A very, very long time ago, so long ago I can hardly remember, Jhudora was actually my best friend..."

by kacheekgirl444


Seashells: Part Two
"We have to get her out of here," she said at last, and Ulalume looked at her in surprise...

by iamcanadian1428


Just a Neofamily - New Sibling
Poor Vi. D: But she's part of the family now, and Xrid is keeping Ash and Demi in line. ^^

by ashleyjinx


The Class of '08 Part Eighteen
Ria still wants revenge!

by _dead_meat_x_

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