White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 175,667,379 Issue: 358 | 5th day of Gathering, Y10
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Short Stories

Home for an Eyrie

She lived alone and in the wild. It was very fun, though; she could fly anywhere she wanted and explore everything...

by rodeopets
Captain Kacheek and the Great Storm

I would love to be a sailor, she thought. Always finding new places. At least I've already taken the courses in Neopia School of Learning...

by chemi2468
Alone No More

Alarmed, Seth stared at her and shook his head innocently. "But I didn't do it!" It was true.

by whiskerun
How the Meerca Lost His Fish Negg

The wind rapped on the window. "Let me in. I want to come in. Please, please let me in," the wind said.

by goldenangel75
Re-writing Neopian History

"Hiding in the library like a coward? It’s no wonder you don't have any friends."

by tyhaosi
Strictly Vegetarian

The Lenny gasped. "You eat meat?! How can you do that?!"

by duckieballoon
Rulers of Neopia

And everyone turned into a piece of wood or plastic used to make straight lines. Ivy was right!

by kotaeia


It's been AGES since your last letter. I have a thousand questions to ask you...

by precious_katuch14

Aisha Dreams

Problems multiply, threateningly, filling her mind. But not tonight.

by mamasimios

Natty sometimes imagines she can remember the sun. What it feels like, warm and soft, on her skin.

by concertogreat_8
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New Neohomes!

I'm sure many of you have noticed Neopia's newest feature: updated neohomes! However, you may have questions. So I will try to help you in your quest to find the perfect home. The new neohomes can be built free in any country of Neopia. That's almost twenty locations! But which one is best for you and your pets? Obviously, a mutant Grarrl won't be comfortable in Faerieland, so I'll try to explain the benefits of every area...

Other Stories


Hungry Skeith - It's Feeding Time!
You work at the so called "Jelly Factory", and sort the jellies into their respective vats as they make their way down a conveyor belt.

by big_brother_deluxe


A Realtor and Designer's Guide to the New Neohomes
The new neohomes can be built free in any country of Neopia.

by courage7856


Seashells: Part Two
"We have to get her out of here," she said at last, and Ulalume looked at her in surprise...

by iamcanadian1428


The Fallen: Betrayed - Part One
The shadow-colored Lupe was very pleased with himself. And why shouldn't he be? He ruled a magnificent kingdom...

by ayame_23


And the Meepits Outgrabe
I'm not paying you.

by kittylin


Twisted Roses Conquest, Part 1
One band... two major problems!

by joshperkins

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