Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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Mootix Madness - #3 Dry Hair Only

by leoness

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Audition, Schmaudition!
I am at the Soup Faerie Kitchen right now where the Soup Faerie, that gentle kind soul, is holding auditions for “The Kougra, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, a theatrical production she is sponsoring for the benefit of the hungry Neopets in Neopia.

by ladyariel32


A Tutor of a Different Sort
"Um," Mala began, more than a little confused. "I think that my owner wants me to have math lessons, not cooking lessons."

by pandabearb


Enjoying Spring
Spring is known as a period of renewal, and to do that, I have wrote a little guide of some Neopets things that you and your pets will enjoy...

by katchakern2003


The Office Meepits
And it begins...

by alien_1155

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