Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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At the Kadoatery...

by sunshine_1470

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The Shade Flame Legacy: Valrigard - Part Five
"You didn't kill Darigan. My plan isn't going along smoothly, Valrigard," he said. "But, I suppose someone else will have to be the end of them. How about we make a deal?"

by smurfafied1800


You saw nothing...

by ghostkomorichu


The Girl at the Cork Gun Gallery
"Oh, come on, is that the best you can do?"

by cruzerchic123


Naming Names
Let’s face it: Some names just get boring after you’ve heard them hundreds of times. However, finding good names for your characters can be daunting sometimes...

by ellenie

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