For an easier life Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Third Degree Chaos

My tongue...

by neodandelion

I wonder why she needs that?

by firestarrz
At the Kadoatery...

And you thought the Kadoaties asking for Draik eggs was bad!

by sunshine_1470
In A Meepit's Mind

Who's really evil?

by mcquackers

Mishaps and sodas....

by chibikatza
Fish Faces!

Careful where you clean your Petpets...

by goldchocobo21
Pets These Days

Sorry to break it to you but...

by cruzerchic123
Unexpected Incidents

What I want isn't REALLY expensive...

Also by kikik312

by american_tabby_cat

No Refunds

Quaz wants to be alone, but Yirl has some exciting news!

by starry_shine13
Freshly Tinned Carrots

One cup breadcrumbs...

by violajunky

You saw nothing...

by ghostkomorichu
Life with Sparkalar

I'm Scared x_x

by nestly2552chi
Picking My Own

I think I found something!

by morningsun
Hyper Drive

It's bath time!

by jacfreec

Why Zaffia hates Food shop.

by wicked_dragonite
Meridell - King Hagan's Lecture

King Skarl is a bad listener...

by void_walker
Travis the Lenny

What's so 'Happy' about Grey Day...

by firelion014

Relax... it's just a random event.

by sh0rty4lyf
Insanity Test

Not a good idea...

by saienian
Minutes of Entertainment

What is that?

Also by springsteen0991

by _shakky_

These Neopian Days

It's true, those things we do.

by pallyaerowynn
A Director's Woes

Poogles are the most ferocious of all...

by jumperlilo
Stuck in the Neopet House

Some things are inevitable...

by spotthechelsey


by szlord
Zaffia's Days

Zaffia's homework problem...

by megawolf77
And the Meepits Outgrabe

Why can't I go?

by kittylin
Lunaticity #4

It's an earthquake!

Animated by cherv1

by jerk_head

Castle Battles

At least Skarl and Hagan got their exercise!

Art by ghostkomorichu

by patjade

Legends of Neopia

The day you can trust Kanrik...

by iriswind
Smelly Nelly

"Doesn't like snow."

by i_hate_backstabbers
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A Mootix’s Confessions

Fending for myself, I lived off scraps of food from the local Food shop, and slept just outside the Deserted Fairgrounds gate. One morning, while rummaging through some spoiled goods the Food Shopkeeper had given me, I was approached by a scruffy looking Lupe.

Other Stories


Jhudora's Bottle
Shara frowned and tried to figure out what to do with the bottle. The Ruki had talked about Faerieland, that made her careful...

by ssjelitegirl


Aisha Goes Cold
Her daring and courageous exploration throughout the Neopian terrain always left readers with a magical tingling feeling at the paws or toes or talons - depending on your species - that made them want to shrug on a coat, and do a bit of travelling around themselves...

by cyberthread


The Botanist's Alphabet
Have you ever visited your Aunt Margarie's house? If so, did you ever go out to the backyard to have a picnic? If so, was your mind boggled by all the strange-looking foliage surrounding you?

Also by 0523ck

by costa_rican_girl


100 Things to do in the Space Station
I just got off the spaceship to the Space Station and I looked around seeing a lot of things. Gormball, Zurroball, Frumball and more! So I took out my notepad, went to the Grundos Café and wrote a nice list...

by dinyana


Moonlit Peaks: Part Three
"What do you think? We want you to go up to Terror Mountain and get them back!" she insisted. Mr. Bronston shook his head furiously.

by battlesunn


At Bay With Mrs. Prenderghast: Part One
"Yes, going to an abandoned haunted house is exactly what I had in mind when I asked myself 'What should I do to amuse myself tonight?'"

Also by hottamale0774

by springsteen0991

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