For an easier life Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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by ghostkomorichu

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Then There Were Six: Part Two
"Kanal'te?" She turned, keeping her hand on the wall, to see Talusai staring at her. "What did you just do?"

by jade_steel


Avalanche: Part Two
"In the morning, we'll assign people for the test run. Remember, this is just for practice-if someone can't do it, just send them back down to the camp, and we should all be back by sundown."

by extreme_fj0rd


The Poor Life
"I'm sorry that I have good fashion sense. I'm sorry that we are rich and can afford to buy thousands of purses at that price. But is that my fault?"

by getto_agent


Rage Alone III: Ambitions - Part Four
Just when he thought he wouldn't see anyone again, two mutant Grundos armed with energy rifles walked through the doors...

by nomad2

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