A Wizards Beginning: Part One by sirussblack
Book One: Wizard Training
The Book
"The Hope has diminished," came a voice from the outer
edge of space, attempting to communicate with other life in some other distance
far away. It was many years until the voice received an answer, which was the
custom for a Planet so far away from the Core. The caller patiently waited to
hear the reaction from the Light.
And, after three years of waiting, her call had
received an answer. "The Light has been dimmed. Come quickly."
These words made the body fit to the voice appear
in the void of space. And she flew off, across the stars and past galaxies.
Past Control Centers and uninhabited planets. She saw other people in her exact
same position. Gravity pushed against her, attempting to bring her down as she
raced past planets but she fought - and she won. There was only one destination
that was goal for the Planet Lead.
There. It was in front of her, a mixture of blue
and green. She slowed down and stared at the spherical planet. Small specks
of light dotted around land masses and the water run amiss with ocean currents
and hurricanes starting to form in the center of the Sea. Something wasn't right.
The headquarters should be able to be seen from this distance. A large blob
of purple mixed among the water and land. But the purple was gone and replaced
with its natural blue. And Neopia was just another planet destroyed by the Dark
The Planet Leader turned around slowly. It had
gotten to the headquarters and burned it until there was not even a speck of
the large glass building left. She quietly mumbled to herself in a strange dialect
as she walked among the stars and planets. From there, people understood her
and the other Planet Leaders saw what was troubling her and came out and asked
for clarification. And the Planet Leader gave it to them, the strange dialect
still coming strong through her mouth.
Hope had been destroyed by Dark. Light had been
destroyed by Dark. And soon, everything else would. Dark would take over, as
was his plan for many years. Dark would succeed in his plan. Unless there was
someone to stop him. Unless...someone was sent for their Initial Journey to
fight the Dark and win. Win? No...there was no winning against the Dark, only
partial wins. The Dark couldn't diminish.
"I think you'd better move!" a Draik exclaimed,
prancing from side to side in a hurry. He was wearing an angry face, but you
could clearly see a smile was breaking through and spreading up to his cheeks.
Laughter burst out of from inside his yellow-scaled body, bellowing and echoing
in the empty park.
A pink Zafara was in front of him, also running
around in circles, trying to catch the Draik. "You wish I'd move! I wouldn't
let you out of here if your owner was calling you!" she exclaimed giddily and
continued dancing on the dark and wet green grass.
Then, a voice called from far away. The Zafara
stopped and looked behind her to the busy street. "I think I have to go," she
said, now watching the Draik start to move past her and then stop and cock his
head towards hers.
"No big deal," the Draik said, sounding disappointed.
The Zafara smiled and nodded. "Yeah, definitely.
Bye!" she waved as she ran off into the street and soon disappeared in a crowd
of pets slowly making their way down the sidewalk.
Then, the Draik started to move along slowly
in the park. His head was up, examining the cloud as he walked. They shifted
around and started to deepen in color, eventually getting ready to shroud Neopia
in darkness for another night. "Ow!" came the loud exclamation has he jumped
and grabbed his foot, rubbing it while trying to get the pain to disappear.
He looked down to see what he had stubbed Hidden away between large tufts of
grass a tattered old book lay. The Draik looked to both sides and slowly pick
it up with his claws. It was much heavier than it looked.
What was on the front cover shocked the Draik
even more. Wizard Manual. The title stared back, contrasting on the maroon
cover in gold text. No authors name, no picture or publisher. Just the two words
glaring at him, almost as if alive.
Curiosity took a hold of him and flipped the
book open to page one which was blank. Quickly, he flipped through a few more
pages with his right claw while balancing the book with his left. Then, a large
table of contents appeared. In fine print, he could see many words that he couldn't
even begin to pronounce. He stared at it for a moment and then flipped another
page where a heading entitled History was clearly and distinctly marked and
below it was a spanning of text.
Before beginning to read the strange book, he
sat down on the grass where he was standing and cleared a few tufts of grass
that were mounting onto his legs. The Draik then placed the book in his lap
and his eyes began to scroll across the page as he started to take part in his
favorite activity - reading.
Magic has been present before Neopia was materialized by vapor and gas. Spread
throughout space, many waited for a right place to call their home. Harriawaqu
spotted Neopia slowly forming about five hundred thousand years before being in
liveable state. He past on but people checked up on the status of this planet
every five hundred years, checking its' production state and if any toxic gases
were present. After the years and years of checking, Tosu, a Planet Leader, finally
announced their was a liveable planet to run their headquarters from. And the
Wizards gathered there. But, not just there. Since Neopia had been formed, many
other planets have materialized and Wizards have gone over there.
The Wizards were greeted with small visitors
when they arrived and named them. Over the years of evolution, the minuscule
creatures began to grow to the size you see today. After thousands of years
of this "evolution phase" others started to show up on the planet. Alien creatures.
But the Wizards had had enough. They made themselves invisible to the public
eye and let the aliens run the creatures, now much larger in size.
War came upon the Wizards. They were split into
two groups, which still exist today. The Light side consisted of Hope and Trust
and all that was good. The Dark was made up of demons and devils, all who were
much more powerful than the light. And they clashed and battle sprung upon everything
and everyone. Wars were started in Neopia -- Wizards against Demons. Wars were
fought in the sky - Planet Leaders against Dark Lords. And major battles were
fought within the Powers. Hope against Death. And Death won.
Wizardry fell apart. Everything was diminished.
Their headquarters were burned. Their stations were vaporized. And Dark had
won, leaving the Light to wander in the galaxy, waiting for the right person
and the right moment. The right person that would push the Dark aside and let
in the Light. The right moment for a newly discovered Wizard who would be sent
to an unspoken place for their Initial Journey.
The Draik looked up as he heard a voice yell
from the distance. His name rung out throughout the park. Through the trees
and across the lake; bouncing on the field and finally found its' owner in a
small spot near a large tree where that Draik had found the book.
Ramek stared at the book, now lying on his bed.
The book was shut tightly and the Draik refused to open it. He wasn't sure whether
this was real or just an elaborate prank someone had tried to pull on him. But...it
seemed so real. The book looked so old and the text were all different words,
not the same ones that repeated themselves over and over again. Maybe...if it
was real...
The Draik pushed the thought out of his head.
It couldn't be real. There was no such thing as magic. He had been told so on
many occasions and stood by his beliefs. It was probably a fictional book someone
had written for entertainment... But his mind wandered back to the thought:
Why would someone write it for fun? It wouldn't be an exciting book. It would
just drone on about some nonexistent art.
Ramek fingered the book, feeling the leather
cover. He slowly pulled it closer to him. If it was fake, it wouldn't hurt to
read it. It may contain a good story. His claws grabbed it and he opened it,
slowly flipping through the pages and glancing at diagrams and tables and large
blocks of text that filled up whole pages. There was no way it was fake. It
just...had a feel to it.
And he flipped to the second page, on which he
started again from where he left off. Maybe it will reveal some of the answers
he had been pondering while sitting on his bed, wondering if the book was fact
or fiction...
To be continued...