Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,029,774 Issue: 958 | 15th day of Eating, Y24
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A Non-Gloomy Grey Day With Dyeworks Wearables

by _brainchild_


---Starring Walda the Baby Kacheek, Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Lervilia the Candy Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, and Christine, their owner!---

      Christine: Welcome! Are you tired of all the gloom and doom on Grey Day? If so, my pets and I have some perfect items to show you. In honour of Grey Day, we have gathered some non-gloomy grey Dyeworks items for your viewing pleasure---


      Christine: Yes, there is a baby-specific item, as well as a background, a foreground, and a trinket.

      Walda: Good.

      Christine: Without further ado, here are the items:

      ---Dyeworks Grey: Baby Valentine Wings---


      Walda: ---smiles--- These are so cute! I love the hearts that they radiate. The feathers are heart-shaped, too!

      Lerlifia: I know, right? Too bad I can’t wear them! ---scowls--- They should make them in standard sizes.

      Lervilia: The world isn’t all about YOU, Lerli. Let the kid enjoy her wings.

      Christine: These wings also come in purple, blue, and original red.

      Walda: ...Really?! Then I MUST have ALL of them! ---puppyblew eyes---

      Lervi: ---smirks--- Great job opening your mouth, you blockhead.


      Christine: ---grins sheepishly--- Well, I guess that a trip to the Neocash trading chat is in order...

      ---Dyeworks Grey: Butterfly Dress---


      Christine: To me, this dress looks more white than grey to me, but I still love the design. It’s in high supply, too, since it’s a permanent Dyeworks option, so it’s easy to find. It also comes in brown, green, and original fuchsia. More colours would be great!


      Christine: Not for this one, unfortunately.

      Walda: WAAAAHHHH!!! I WANT ONE!!! ---throws tantrum---

      Lerli: Quiet, you brat!

      Lervi: I know, right?! She is SO annoying!

      Christine: Well, there is another Butterfly Dress which is wearable by pets painted Baby.

      Walda: ---stops crying--- Really?!

      Christine: Yeah, it looks like this:


      Walda: I LIKE THE OTHER ONE!!! WAAAAHHHH!!! ---starts crying again---

      Lervi: Go to your room, you twerp!

      Walda: NO! WAAAAHHHH!!!

      Lerli: I have an idea.

      ---Lerli escorts Walda outside, where her other sister, Chessella, is watering the flowers.---

      Lerli: Ella, please watch this little beast. She’s SOOOOOOOO annoying!

      Ella: ---sigh--- Sure. ---turns to Walda--- Walda, go play on the swing set!

      ---Walda jumps on the swing set as Lerli walks back inside.---

      Lerli: There. The twerp has been occupied.

      Lervi: ---sigh of relief---

      ---Dyeworks Grey: Cloud Castle Background---


      Lerli: How dreamy!

      Lervi: Grey clouds mean that a storm will be coming soon, smart one.

      Lerli: Oh... Maybe this one IS gloomy after all.... ---frowns---

      Christine: Don’t worry. No thunderstorms have ever been observed from wearing this background. Anyway, because this is Neopia, and magic abounds, you can actually walk on the clouds.

      Lerli: ---walks on clouds--- Wow, they are so soft! They’re like the world’s squishiest pillow.

      Lervi: ---walks on clouds--- Wow, I could lie down on these clouds and take a nap right about now...

      Lerli: Maybe Walda would actually agree to go to bed sometimes if she could sleep on this.

      Lervi: Great idea!

      Christine: At this rate, actual mattresses will soon become a thing of the past...

      ---Dyeworks Grey: Maraquan Jeweled Foreground---


      Lerli: Are these real jewels?

      Lervi: I don’t know. All I know is that the original Maraquan Jeweled Foreground costs an arm and a leg on the Neocash trading chat.

      Lerli: Well, it did get re-released recently, so that should help with the price.

      Lervi: Good... I like the original better. I think that this grey one is boooorrrriiiinnnngggg!!!

      Christine: Well, there aren’t as many underwater-themed wearables, so I wouldn’t rule this one out. Any Maraquan pet knows that.

      Lerli: Whatever. I’m not a Maraquan, Maractite, or Water pet.

      Christine: This lovely foreground, in addition to grey and original multi-colour, also comes in blue and green. Because it is a foreground, it’s wearable by all Neopets, including Walda.

      Lervi: She’d find it boring, too.

      Lerli: Maybe she’d like one of the other colours...

      Lervi: Don’t tell her, smart one. She’s already begging for three more colours of wings...

      ---Dyeworks Grey: Magical Golden Markings---


      Lerli: Greeeeaaaatttt. Another pack of glitter for Walda to throw all over the room.

      Lervi: Then don’t give it to her, smart one. She can’t wear it anyway.

      Christine: I hear that faerie dust is notoriously hard to get out of carpets, even with a Vacuumatic 9000.

      Lervi: So don’t let the brat make a mess to begin with. Let the poor Petpet rest.

      Christine: Anyway, when used properly, these markings can be very pretty and sparkly. In addition to grey, they come in blue, pink, and original gold. Furthermore, they are in high supply because, like the Butterfly Dress, it’s a permanent Dyeworks option.

      Lerli: Ooooohhhh... Maybe it would look good on me.

      Lervi: You’d better keep it in an iron safe, then, or else the twerp will throw it all over the floor!

      Christine: She’d find a way to blow the safe open somehow with her Battledome weapons.

      Lervi: Well, then, I guess that none of us will be getting any glitter anytime soon... ---sigh---

      ---Dyeworks Grey: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower


      Lerli: Who would want to be rained on all day?!

      Lervi: Walda, that’s who. She loves splashing in mud puddles, but she’s not allowed to do it because she gets her clothes dirty, and has to take a bath afterwards.

      Lerli: Well, grey rain?! This IS the trinket of gloom and doom!

      Christine: Not quite... It’s called “mystical” for a reason. The original one is multi-coloured and has stars.

      Lerli: Does this one have stars, though?

      Christine: I don’t know... I guess someone will have to try it on to find out.

      Lervi: Well, I’m not trying it on. I don’t want to get wet! Are there any volunteers to get ABSOLUTELY SOAKED in the name of some insignificant discovery?! ---snickers---

      Lerli: True. Who wants ruined, frizzy hair, wet clothes, and a giant grey rain puddle in the house?! Not me!

      Christine: Apparently, Walda does. Look.

      ---Walda has come back inside, with her clothes covered in mud and a trail of dirty water behind her.---

      Lervi: WALDA! How many times do we have to tell you not to jump in mud puddles?!

      Walda: I don’t caaaarrrreee!!! ---sticks tongue out---

      Lerli: Wasn’t Ella supposed to be watching the brat?!

      ---Just then, Ella walks in, absolutely soaked.---

      Ella: Sorry, everyone. I fell asleep while watching Walda. Then the rain started, and I got soaked. There’s a thunderstorm starting, so that thankfully woke me up.

      Lerli: A+ parenting, Ella! Who KNOWS what could have happened while you were asleep! ---scowls--- We’re lucky she didn’t run off...

      Lervi: Don’t give her ideas, you blockhead...


      Christine: So, what was everyone’s favourite item?

      Walda: The wings. ---scowls at Ella--- I am NOT taking a bath!

      Ella: Yes, you are!

      ---Then Walda disappears into the bathroom as Ella carries the squirming child in.---

      Lerli: Yay, another moment’s peace from that brat. My favourite item was the faerie dust, but it’s not worth having a permanently sparkly house thanks to that child...

      Lervi: I know, right? I liked the Cloud Castle the best. I’ll sleep soundly tonight on a literal cloud!

      Lerli: There had better be room for all of us to lie down.

      Christine: I hope so. As you can see, there are many non-gloomy grey wearable options to enjoy this Grey Day. For example, sparkly faerie dust is anything but gloomy. Take a look at what is available; I am sure you will find something you like. Until next time, dear readers!

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