Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,029,774 Issue: 958 | 15th day of Eating, Y24
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What Neopet are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

collab with dollsuki

by madiwoo
UC Customization Guide: Grey Edition

"...More people than ever will own Neopets of the older art style, and hopefully this guide will help give everyone some ideas on how to customize a Neopet that is restricted in what kind of wearables they can use."

by aleu1986
A Non-Gloomy Grey Day With Dyeworks Wearables

"In honour of Grey Day, we have gathered some non-gloomy grey Dyeworks items for your viewing pleasure---"

by _brainchild_
Nine Way to Celebrate Grey Day from your Neohome

"Here are nine activities you might do INSTEAD of travelling on GREY DAY!"

by honorrolle
How to Prepare for The Grey Day

"Grey Day... reminds us to look at our grey friends and enjoy them as they are." collab with dessent

by maryannyks
This Interview Isn't Rubbish - Meet the Dung Faerie!

In honor of the return of the "That's Not Rubbish" avatar, an interview with Neopia's most elusive faerie

by fox_confessor
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"A Statue's Grey Day" by erroro
Xandra was having a good day. Though it was not as she would have thought to be a good day, long ago. Or not so long ago. It was hard for her to discern things like the date, the year, worldly events and so on. Standing solidly frozen as a statue could do that to a pet. Nevertheless, Xandra had thought to herself that it would be a good day. This day specifically. She was trying a new line of thinking. A brand new, shiny perspective.

Other Stories


Finding Home
“'Next time, next time. The next one will be the one,' was their hopeful chant. But most pets never did find the one."

by bunny_power657


A Statue's Grey Day
"Nevertheless, Xandra had thought to herself that it would be a good day. This day specifically."

by erroro


Nyx the Captain of the Guard
the final chapter!

by rkbear


The Fate of Valeane
"The task she was about to undertake was dangerous and entirely unfamiliar to her. Intrusions could have dire consequences."

by herdygerdy


Too much chilli...
Don't eat the volcano pizza... collab with theofloppy4135

by _kankuro


Random Oddness: Denny the Mobster Lupe #2
His insides became his outsides.

by mistyqee

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