There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,029,774 Issue: 958 | 15th day of Eating, Y24
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"Caught Between Kingdoms: Saying Goodbye" by parody_ham
There was something in the way Serian gazed over the horizon that worried Lisha. It was mid-February. A chilly breeze cut through even the warmest of jackets… and yet. He sat cross-legged on a granite bench in the castle courtyard. Around him, vibrant oranges and pinks faded to shades of grey, before shifting into an inky black night. Serian often said that sunsets seen from the Citadel were even more beautiful.

Other Stories


An Exclusive Interview with a Grey Kacheek
"Garth continued to look at her with his light blue eyes. 'I couldn’t have picked a gloomier day to interview this pet,' she thought, but considering his disposition it seemed quite fitting."

by ssj3gotenks18


Finding Home
“'Next time, next time. The next one will be the one,' was their hopeful chant. But most pets never did find the one."

by bunny_power657


What Neopet are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
collab with dollsuki

by madiwoo


How to Prepare for The Grey Day
"Grey Day... reminds us to look at our grey friends and enjoy them as they are." collab with dessent

by maryannyks


A Grey Grarrl Lost its Toy - Detangle!
Poor Grey Grarrl needs your help! collab with gamador and tsezar

by dollsuki


Finally Spring!
Spring is finally here! collab with muddywater1 and rorylorelai333

by itaela

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