Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,824,992 Issue: 797 | 15th day of Gathering, Y19
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Poor Puppyblew

by stunningful

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Relatable Neopian Tragedies
Everyone has bad days sometimes and it is important that we look back and laugh on the dumb mistakes we've made, or the terrible random events that have caused damage to our net worth.

by ellaisback


The Top Ten Pre-Customization Draiks
Draiks are incredibly beautiful—and handsome!—especially the old, Pre-Customization ones. So settle in with a nice cup of borovan and let’s count down The Top Ten Pre-Customization Draiks!

by butterflybandage


Apple Bobbing With Bart
Vandebart, more well known just as Bart, runs the Apple Bobbing game which has surged to popularity and is one of the main attractions of the Haunted Faire.

Also by alykadoatie

by miss_cinny


Safe Flight
No matter how much the females swooned over his toned muscles every day or how much the scholars praised him for his intelligence, there was only one thing that lingered in his mind: his weakness. And it bothered him. A lot.

by rurirawr

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