For an easier life |
Circulation: 194,824,992 |
Issue: 797 | 15th day of Gathering, Y19 |
Continued Series
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Spiffing up a Mutant
Er, um. Ahem. You want me to write about those weird mutant Neopets? Like an article about how vile and disgusting they are? What..? No? You want me to write about how to make them look...nice? I think that is a bit impossible...they are pretty disgusting...I can write about things they can wear...can't make any promises that it'll look nice but they'll have it on.
Other Stories
Assumptions One day in the Haunted Woods, everything seemed to be normal - or as normal as the Haunted Woods can get. But unknown to any of the residents of the Woods, even the Brain Tree, they were soon going to be visited by two Neopets, one willing and one less so.
by cbudgo60 |