For an easier life Circulation: 194,824,992 Issue: 797 | 15th day of Gathering, Y19
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Continued Series

Master of Ceremonies: Part Three

As the amber sun descended in the distance and poised itself just above the tree line of the Haunted Woods, more and more patrons filled the fairground.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


How much longer to do have to go until this Neolodge, kad?

Also by emberfusion, kat_bus and illegalangelx

by remidica

The Princess of Flowers: Part Eight

They had finally made it to Wobbleshire: a bustling city whose buildings, streets and sidewalks were all made of the same yellow-jelly substance.

by downrightdude
Young Jhudora and Queen Fyora: Part Five

The Queen wishes to see you....

by rocksysmom
Dawn and Dusk: Part Two

I watched in amazement for a few seconds before I realized I needed to hide.

Starring chasing_stars44's beloved pet, Janet

by cyber1ofkakoradesert

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Spiffing up a Mutant

Er, um. Ahem. You want me to write about those weird mutant Neopets? Like an article about how vile and disgusting they are? What..? No? You want me to write about how to make them look...nice? I think that is a bit impossible...they are pretty disgusting...I can write about things they can wear...can't make any promises that it'll look nice but they'll have it on.

Other Stories


One day in the Haunted Woods, everything seemed to be normal - or as normal as the Haunted Woods can get. But unknown to any of the residents of the Woods, even the Brain Tree, they were soon going to be visited by two Neopets, one willing and one less so.

by cbudgo60


Lustra the Peacekeeper
The sun was just barely beginning to rise in Neopia on that spring morning,

by danzgirl12


The Top Ten Pre-Customization Draiks
Draiks are incredibly beautiful—and handsome!—especially the old, Pre-Customization ones. So settle in with a nice cup of borovan and let’s count down The Top Ten Pre-Customization Draiks!

by butterflybandage


Tired of Other Neopians? Rent A Boat

Also by raspberrywatching33

by table


First Rule of Plots
Madness, absolute madness!

by lacy861


Curse of the Coltzan
Nobody said he was kind to EVERYONE.

by applejuicerain

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