A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,824,992 Issue: 797 | 15th day of Gathering, Y19
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Spot the Difference! Vol #8

Can your eyes spy the 10 differences in this new eyeball busting series?

by snwarren
Today I learned! Book 5

Learning is fun - book 5 of 9.

Also by fluffyluloo

by syariesx

A Weewoo's Wish Pt 2

You gotta start somewhere!

Also by sasuke1322441

by mucka33

First Rule of Plots

Madness, absolute madness!

by lacy861
Another Kiko Concern!

Hmm, I'm not sure how this is going to work out for a Kiko like me...

by draggi_pi2
Get A Grip!

Ah perfect!

Also by gold_lilies

by kiley_rae

Home Part 2

I sure hope not...

by plushie_lover991
Two Peas in a Pod

We just work!!

by alexcunderwood
Party to Issue 800 part 1: Office Zombies

I think we might have a problem...

by thegoddesofxweetok1
Ill for Good: part 1 - Floppy Tongue

Did it work?

Also by cherokee165

by sergente__hartmann

Random Oddness

I'm not sure how great this is...

by mistyqee
Battledome Adventures (2-1)

It's my time!!

Also by waitwut101

by fleohr

Poor Puppyblew

Uh, nevermind...

by stunningful
Neopuns: Split

You better hurry!

by apocalyptist
Curse of the Coltzan

Nobody said he was kind to EVERYONE.

by applejuicerain
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Omelettes & Beverages

Omelettes have always been one of the most abundant and scrumptious items in Neopia. From the craveable, mouth watering Chocolate Omelette to the newer, more party-style Pizza Omelette, each has it’s own specific taste that makes it unique. Often, it can be hard to find that perfect drink to pair with that blissful omelette you’ve waited all day to eat. Luckily, this guide will help you match the perfect beverage with the perfect omelette!

Other Stories


Lustra the Peacekeeper
The sun was just barely beginning to rise in Neopia on that spring morning,

by danzgirl12


One day in the Haunted Woods, everything seemed to be normal - or as normal as the Haunted Woods can get. But unknown to any of the residents of the Woods, even the Brain Tree, they were soon going to be visited by two Neopets, one willing and one less so.

by cbudgo60


Character Re-Introductions: Chocolate Factory Kiko
This time I'm interviewing the mysterious owner of Neopia Central’s Chocolate Factory, producer of most of Neopia’s supply of chocolate, and host of the Annual Chocolate Ball: the Chocolate Factory Kiko.

by pikachu315111


Guide to the Battledome: Weapons (Part 3)
Welcome back to the third installment of the series! We talked about training your pet, now let’s talk about weapons.

by berzerkturtlez


The Princess of Flowers: Part Eight
They had finally made it to Wobbleshire: a bustling city whose buildings, streets and sidewalks were all made of the same yellow-jelly substance.

by downrightdude


Master of Ceremonies: Part Three
As the amber sun descended in the distance and poised itself just above the tree line of the Haunted Woods, more and more patrons filled the fairground.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

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