White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,653,695 Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18
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Peas Help

by iswimmings

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8 Obscure Trophies To Go For on Reset Day
rophy hunting is one of my favorite things to do on Neopets. There have been many guides on some easy to get trophies, but I would like to share some tips and tricks to help you spruce up your profile with some lesser known, yet still fairly easy to get trophies that you might not know about. Let's begin!

by venom_creep


Clipped Wings
Somewhere in a clearing in the Woods, there lay a cottage. On the outside, it appeared small and plain, but inside it was luxuriously decorated. The owner of this shack, a frivolously dressed Buzz, was gazing in a mirror while applying eye shadow, when a small Halloween Shoyru burst into the room, startling the Buzz and getting makeup everywhere.

by winter_pony4


Becoming a Well-Rounded Neopian in 7 Days
Everyone experiences Neopia differently, and there is definitely no right or wrong way to enjoy this world. But unless you try it all, you never know what fun and exciting areas you might be missing out on. Each day looks at a different area of the site, and suggests multiple ways to enjoy that feature.

Also by spurstrap

by suixx


Slorg Tip #1
Something has happened!

by canepa_diego

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