Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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King Hagan the Cheat

by sophieauditore

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How Helping Others Helps You: Acts of Charity
But things don’t have to end after you’ve achieved your goals! On the contrary, they can be a stepping off point for a much greater contribution to Neopians in general, whatever they may be. Let’s look at a few examples as to how to pay it forward on Neopets.

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750 Reasons For The Neopian Times
The room buzzed with activity as students in Ms. Robin's third grade class were getting ready to start their day at Brightvale school. A tiny little blue Korbat sat down in the corner, her nose buried in a comic book. She was reading up on the latest adventures of handsome Hanso and Bri, when a paw reached in front of her and snatched it away.

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Browse, Haggle, Sold.
Somtimes you have to go in, get what you need, get out.

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The 1st Edition of the Neopian TImes
Wow. How old are you?

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