Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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Short Stories

A Strange Necessity

Nothing remarkable, or noteworthy. She could—and did—live with that. It was fulfilling, and the kindness she received in turn made it worth all her while. Which made the golden ticket in her paws all the more strange.

by drifbilim
All in the Cards

Moltara City was the same bustling subterranean metropolis it had always been, thought Stealth, a brown Grundo. It was just another day for him. He woke up, panicked at his once-again-missed alarm, ran out of his apartment screaming, and while his arms flailed and his roommate covered his ears, he managed to get to the obsidian quarry on time against all odds.

by opossumman

“We’re doomed!” Sulvi wailed. The baby Aisha rocked back and forth in the darkest corner of the lounge, unable to meet her brother’s apprehensive gaze. “Doomed is a pretty strong word,” Zypea the pea Chia observed her distress calmly from his position on the sofa. “We’re just in a bit of a pickle. A spot of bother, if you will. A temporary setback.”

by xxskyisfallingxx
Beyond 750

A medieval darkness shrouded the fields of Meridell. In the cottage, two eyes blinked open, followed by two more. The twin heads of Pystry, a Mutant Hissi, blinked at one another, shaking off sleep. Pystry smiled. It was going to be a good day. Today marked the fruition of countless hours of training.

by peirigill
750 Reasons For The Neopian Times

The room buzzed with activity as students in Ms. Robin's third grade class were getting ready to start their day at Brightvale school. A tiny little blue Korbat sat down in the corner, her nose buried in a comic book. She was reading up on the latest adventures of handsome Hanso and Bri, when a paw reached in front of her and snatched it away.

by harvestmoon66
750 Days

Most people would say that it took the usurper Kass roughly two years to start and lose a war between the Darigan Citadel and Meridell. Lady Evelyn would be more exact; she would say it took her cousin 750 days to do so--750 slow days to observe a ruler slowly crackle until his realm collapsed.

by likelife96
Samrin and Balthazar

Such an innocent question that one of the younger neopets in my village asked me yesterday. I told her I had no idea why Balthazar keeps pestering me. It was a lie, I know very well why he is so keen on eating my petpets but it’s not something I like to think about.

by annuuna
Friday: Therapy Session III

“If you continue to waste these therapy sessions, there’s no use in having them.” The Psychologist said while looking at the grandfather clock situated next his office desk. Shifting his client’s files that lay atop of his thighs, he continued on to say, “We are halfway through your therapy block and we have not made any gains.”

by vanquishee
True Colour

Gerard lay back, content at last, as the final word of his latest story dried on the paper. Complete at last. Already his head stormed with new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. No matter how many novels, or how many short stories, each began like first steps - brimming with new life and possibility.

by placebo_533
A Memory On the Wind

"Faerieland, huh? That sounds like a lovely place to live." Ruestilla mused to herself as she was flying clumsily through the air. "If only I had some time to get used to flying before I had to move... This new form is lovely, but it's a far cry from anything I'm used to." she chuckled.

by winter_pony4
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"Shortfall" by xxskyisfallingxx
"We’re doomed!” Sulvi wailed. The baby Aisha rocked back and forth in the darkest corner of the lounge, unable to meet her brother’s apprehensive gaze. “Doomed is a pretty strong word,” Zypea the pea Chia observed her distress calmly from his position on the sofa. “We’re just in a bit of a pickle. A spot of bother, if you will. A temporary setback.” “Enough with the synonyms,” Sulvi groaned, holding up one paw in a half-hearted attempt to silence him. “No amount of wordplay can fix this mess. It’s a disaster! A catastrophe! It could spell the ruin of us all!” “It might even be bad.” Sulvi groaned again. “This isn’t the time for jokes, Zypea.” The pea Chia deflated almost instantly. His jesting was usually enough to cheer Sulvi up, but her current demeanour suggested it was now achieving the exact opposite. Besides, he knew she was right; they were in serious trouble. “Look, there’s got to be a way to fix this,” he insisted seriously. “We just have to think.” Sulvi shook her head sadly. “It’s no use. Sky worked so hard on her story for the special 750th issue of the Neopian Times. And now, thanks to us, it was all for nothing.” “Don’t blame yourself,” Zypea tried again to reassure her. “We just wanted to help. Who would have thought that starting a five-part series in Issue 745 would make it end in Issue 749? It’s not our fault the math didn’t want to cooperate.” Sulvi managed to choke out a laugh through her tears. “That’s a stretch, even for you. Everyone knows that you would have had to start the series in Issue 746.” “Not everyone, apparently,” Zypea sighed. “If there’s anyone Sky should be mad at, it’s me. I was the one who submitted it too early.” “But it was my idea to submit it for her in the first place,” Sulvi argued despondently. “We’re both in hot water.” They sat in silence for a moment, stewing in their thoughts. Not for the first time, Sulvi wished that Sky had never decided to attend Brightvale University. Then she could have submitted her own story and they wouldn’t have gotten themselves into this mess. More than that though, Sulvi missed her other flatmate. It hurt to think that their ill-fated scheme might drive a wedge between them.

Other Stories


How Helping Others Helps You: Acts of Charity
But things don’t have to end after you’ve achieved your goals! On the contrary, they can be a stepping off point for a much greater contribution to Neopians in general, whatever they may be. Let’s look at a few examples as to how to pay it forward on Neopets.

by xale22


The Inspirational Guide To Becoming A NT Star!
So you`ve set your eyes on the beautiful, golden Neopian Times Star avatar? Of course you have! It`s easily one of the most gorgeous and unique avatars on Neopets, and you would be so proud to have it on display on the boards. The only thing standing between you and the avatar is making your number of publications hit the double digits.

by aleu1986


Undead Rising: Part Seven
Bernard felt a chill run down his spine. Whoever that voice was, it didn’t sound good. Edlun’s expression looked like that of one before he was about to slay a vicious beast. He clenched his fists, drawing his blade and shield as two small figures walked into the room.

by yoshisislandbandit


Chasing Treasure: Part One
"Well, what did you expect?" Bannok asked, adjusting the helm a degree or two to starboard to catch the shifting wind. "Royal pets. Always got to outdo each other, building bigger palaces and throwing fancier parties." The timbers of the Silver Arkmite creaked as she swung around, the salt-soaked ropes slapping against the mast as the sails filled.

by aethelar


Browse, Haggle, Sold.
Somtimes you have to go in, get what you need, get out.

by ayeunn


Sunny Side Up: Occupational Hazard
Does this mean Weewoos can file for workers' compensation?

by amarettoball

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