The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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More Than Meets The Eye - Introduction

by cutecatty1

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Great stories!


Beach, Burglary and Buyer's Remorse
I don't know why it had sounded like a good idea. Maybe because Neoschool was over, all of my pets were happy, and because I'm missing several key parts of my brain that keep me from making bad decisions. Yeah, that's got to be it.

Also by Special thanks to David, J, and everyone else who helped edit!

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Not good enough.

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I'm Sure She Means Well...

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Finding Your Great Guild
As luck would have it, I clicked the link too quickly and found myself on the Guild Board instead! Instead of clicking the back button, however, I stopped to look at the guilds that were being advertised as fond memories of being part of guilds throughout the years flashed in my mind. This, I thought, was where my Neopets adventure was going to take me.

by so_bored_822

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