A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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More Than Meets The Eye - Introduction

by cutecatty1

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How Not To Sneak Into The Magma Pool
Maybe not a paper bribe next time.

Also by mapthesoul

by brooklyn3223


The Mark
It was a gloomy day. Alex the Purple Draik trudged home with a huge burden weighing on his shoulders. With his head hung low, and his feet dragging in the mud, Alex heaved a sigh. I don't want to go home. I'd rather stay here than feel the wrath of my parents when I tell them what I got on my test today...

by noel3840


The Slushie Slinger
The start of the Altador Cup XI had been marred with disappointment that had come with the realisation that match tickets were most definitely out of her price range, given her paltry student budget. But Kayennah the Krawk was not a quitter and some ingenious quick thinking had found her enquiring at one of the Slushie stands if they needed any extra help over the Cup season. And miracle of miracles, Kayennah was hired!

by tallydepp


An Interview with the Grumpy Mummy
Today I’m here with the Usul Appreciation Club by courtesy of our dear fellow Usul Brains Mortigan, who has very kindly booked us an interview with the Grumpy Mummy of the Awakened faction.

by an9375

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