Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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What A Nice Gesture

by _starryeyedsurprise_

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Out of the Lupe - It's Time...
Featuring spiffy sunglasses and cannonball action

by memoure


Fyora's Day Off
All of the faeries in Faerieland look forward to many different events. Things like Fyora Day, Jhudora Day, Illusen Day, and The Faerie Festival are popular days that faeries spend all year looking forward to. However, there is a lesser known day that faeries also spend each year looking forward to, Fyora’s annual day off.

by she_chose_love


Trudy's Expectation
In this world, it's surprise or be surprised.

Also by cloudypoogle and rooftopchicken

by lennekegirl123


More Than Meets The Eye - Introduction
Do they have to argue upon everything?!

Also by Im_Fariha

by cutecatty1

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