A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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Even Aethia Has Those Days

by scechoi

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Magma Blaster Game Guide
The citizens of Tyrannia live a good life at times. They attend concerts, they can visit the war memorial or perhaps town hall. Things are not always wonderful in Tyrannia. Recently their volcano has been erupting and throwing large numbers of boulders into the air and threatening the citizens of Tyrannia. What they need are some heroes to step up and defend them. Are you such a hero?

by sanford3581


Trophies That We Actually Regret!
Inspired by the ironic notion of actually REGRETTING one's trophies, I thought I'd write this article! Most Neopians are eager to accrue as many trophies as possible. Yet there are also those motley players who actually REGRET the trophies they own!

by indulgences


Annoying Kanrik
I think a better question would be "Why are there so many?"

by theschizophrenicpunk


Just Jelni: Faking Faerie
Jelni wants to be painted Faerie, but she gets a different pair of wings!

by angul888

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