Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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Mad Scientist Is Mad

by brenda_bbm

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Trophies That We Actually Regret!
Inspired by the ironic notion of actually REGRETTING one's trophies, I thought I'd write this article! Most Neopians are eager to accrue as many trophies as possible. Yet there are also those motley players who actually REGRET the trophies they own!

by indulgences


Just Jelni: Faking Faerie
Jelni wants to be painted Faerie, but she gets a different pair of wings!

by angul888


Sakhmet Stories - The Witch And The Thief: Part Four
The sighs of melancholy were all that one could hear in the streets of Sakhmet. There were no children laughing in the sandpits, no market women squabbling over who saw the ripest ummagine first, no men laughing as they share a chilled glass of sand shake. Instead, the only sound that permeated through the thick silence were the soft sighs of the grey Neopians who roamed aimlessly through the streets

by iamnotaaron


My Pet Rojel's Never Ending Career Advice
She never stops at nothing!

by natlain

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