There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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So close.

Also by Pinksrainbow

by lyndsey4657

Daylight Robbery

Well that was rude.

Also by shennyyy

by icygal2310

Just Jelni: Faking Faerie

Jelni wants to be painted Faerie, but she gets a different pair of wings!

by angul888
Eclectic Antics: Makeover

The event's not even here yet, but that doesn't mean these crazies can't get hyped about it.

by amarettoball
Altador Cup Foods

Everyone has their own priorities...

by 43456
Even Aethia Has Those Days

Poor Battle Faerie...

by scechoi
Oh No

Uh, nevermind.

Also by voudoo and murillion

by shadowlugia_92

NeoPaper: Jelly Pet at Mealtime

Observe: a Jelly pet's surreal majesty, as she devours her meal.

by mbredboy31
Mad Scientist Is Mad

Why so crazy?

by brenda_bbm
What If I Turn Into A Frog?

... a frog?

by ketchup547
Annoying Kanrik

I think a better question would be "Why are there so many?"

by theschizophrenicpunk
Head in the Clouds: Altador Cup

Why would you pick Team Altador?

by yoshisislandbandit
The Perils of Customisation

Nobody had thought about that...

by ngf57
Darigan Breakball


Also by vanillerrybeitje

by marbear_4u

My Pet Rojel's Never Ending Career Advice

She never stops at nothing!

by natlain
Sloth's Daily Dare

He never realized games were so fun!

Also by ruben160

by cosmicfire918

Search the Neopian Times


"My Wandering Lady – A Faerie Tale" by reiqua
A lone Whoot winged his way over Meridell. The countryside below was dark. In scholarly Brightvale it was not uncommon for oil lamps to burn late into the night. But Meridellians had no time for such frivolities. They lived off the land, and rose before the break of dawn. So in these hours of darkness, they slept. But tonight was different. At just one point – in a clearing not far from Illusen's glade – a light glowed. The gypsy camp, predictably. Gypsies tended to upset the natural order of things wherever they went. A large fire burned in the gypsy camp tonight. Around it sat a ring of Neopets. Not gypsies, these. No, they were Meridell locals who had come from all the lands 'round about. For tonight was a special night. Tonight, the Teller of Tales would tell the story of the Wandering Lady. A couple of 'pets shivered in the cold night air. The Teller of Tales, an ancient Pteri, pulled her ragged shawl more tightly about her. Its dull brown blended in to the dull purple of her feathers. Apart from the warm crackling of the fire, the night was silent. The motley circle of Neopets around the fire didn't speak a word. Sometimes they gazed mesmerised into the ever-changing flames. At other times, they stared at the peculiar Pteri at the head of the circle. In spite of her old age and her ragged clothes, she hadn't lost any of the beauty of her younger days. Everyone silently awaited the moment when the Teller of Tales would begin her story. But she was in no rush. For a long while, the warm silence stretched. At length, she opened her mouth and croaked “Let me tell you a story of long, long ago.” Every eye in the circle turned to her, rapt. Then, her voice gathering strength as she spoke, she began her narration.

Other Stories


A Quest for Color
"A yellow Chia? How boring," Lena sighed, staring back at her reflection in the pool of water. It had rained again last night, leaving puddles of water all over the path to school. She wouldn't mind the rain normally, except this time it had made it impossible for her not to see her reflection, and that was something Lena hated.

by dragondancer007


Off To The Races
All neopets are taught to never give up, no matter how impossible something may seem. This is the story of Tessa, the Uni who wouldn’t let anything get in the way of her dreams.

by she_chose_love


Magma Blaster Game Guide
The citizens of Tyrannia live a good life at times. They attend concerts, they can visit the war memorial or perhaps town hall. Things are not always wonderful in Tyrannia. Recently their volcano has been erupting and throwing large numbers of boulders into the air and threatening the citizens of Tyrannia. What they need are some heroes to step up and defend them. Are you such a hero?

by sanford3581


Game Avatars for the Non Gamer: Part One!
Do you always admire other people's game avatars? Do you also wonder how they are so good at games? And especially, if you could also get any without too much effort? Here is the secret: some of them are actually quite easy! You just have to know which ones!

Also by salutation

by golvenzee


Reign of Ice: Part Three
“No time for sarcasm, get me out of here!” Brendon was frantic. Irena started looking around for something she could use to pull her brother out of the quicksand. “This is why Mom never takes us on her vacations,” she muttered to herself.

by neolikepets


Sakhmet Stories - The Witch And The Thief: Part Four
The sighs of melancholy were all that one could hear in the streets of Sakhmet. There were no children laughing in the sandpits, no market women squabbling over who saw the ripest ummagine first, no men laughing as they share a chilled glass of sand shake. Instead, the only sound that permeated through the thick silence were the soft sighs of the grey Neopians who roamed aimlessly through the streets

by iamnotaaron

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