The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Jhudora's Back!

by dutchese159

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Great stories!


Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part I
In which Kaune shows the most polite way to wake someone up.

by amarettoball


Adopting A New Species Is Hard...
Whoops, nevermind.

by blueberrymuffinpops


Y17 In Colour
Another year has gone by, and Y17 certainly gave us a lot of nice Neopet colours. It saw the release of a brand new Paint Brush, and most Neopet species were treated to two lovely new colours at the Rainbow Pool. Looking back through the entire year, at all the new colours, I have chosen my favourites from each month.

by aleu1986


Hannah's Adventures: the Kreludor Caves
You control Hannah – and this time, unlike Ice Caves, it’s only her – and your mission is to collect treasure chests around the map, and when you are done, enter the door. If you have ever played Pirate Caves or Ice Caves I am sure you know that even though it sounds simple, it isn’t.

Also by guik44

by saudadesdagripe

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