The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Hannah's Adventures: the Kreludor Caves

You control Hannah – and this time, unlike Ice Caves, it’s only her – and your mission is to collect treasure chests around the map, and when you are done, enter the door. If you have ever played Pirate Caves or Ice Caves I am sure you know that even though it sounds simple, it isn’t.

Also by guik44

by saudadesdagripe

Y17 In Colour

Another year has gone by, and Y17 certainly gave us a lot of nice Neopet colours. It saw the release of a brand new Paint Brush, and most Neopet species were treated to two lovely new colours at the Rainbow Pool. Looking back through the entire year, at all the new colours, I have chosen my favourites from each month.

by aleu1986
More Of Your Neopets Neuroses!

There's certainly no lack of neuroses around here. Although my first article was chock full of our quirks and idiosyncrasies, it still took me a mere hour to collect a brand new batch of neuroses for this second article! I canvassed the Neoboards, asking my fellow players what their neuroses are. I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences
Judging the Best and the Worst Game Trophy Designs

Not all trophies were made equal however. Some are quite beautiful, in both design and representation, while others don't quite meet the mark, or a plain eyesore for the typical to even want to glance. After carefully judged all the available trophies, and a few cups of tea, a team of experts have come up with a list of trophies that will add… visual spark to your User Lookup.

Also by lute248

by xiaolin10413

Cleaning Up Neopia, One Avatar Attempt at a Time

The Rubbish Avatar. It was released nearly 4 years ago on February 9, Y14. Yes, 4 years ago, and it is still uncommon to see it apart of someone’s avatar count. It’s one of those stubborn avatars. It’s a random avatar that has Neopians everywhere feeling frustrated.

by whssoftball11
Unconventional Uses for Jhudoras Fingernails

If you've taken a look at any of the Jhudora-themed wearables lately, you will have noticed the hideousness of the Jhudora Fingernails. To be fair, there are some good Jhudora wearables out there, but as a general rule, these fingernails aren't the classiest of the bunch.

Also by 0123kl

by bha288

Top Games to Celebrate Kacheek Day

Kacheek Day is upon us! A fabulous day to celebrate one of Neopia’s most loved species. For this years Kacheek Day, why not indulge in some of the games listed below that feature Kacheeks. Some are easy, some are hard, but all are fun!! And a great way to commemorate the wonderful Kacheek species.

by gattacaa
Celebrating Kacheek Day as a Newly-Morphed Kacheek

For Kacheeks all around Neopia, this means a day of mirth and merriment in celebration of our species’ long and storied history. For some of us, however, this day can be quite confusing as well. This is because some Kacheeks, such as myself, were not born as Kacheeks, but ended up becoming one for some reason or another.

by opossumman
The Soft Side of Eliv

Perhaps there's a soft side to the spirit that lives in the abandoned castle in the Haunted Woods... or perhaps not.

by clairevoiant
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The Soft Side of Eliv

Hello, Neopia. My name is Claire, and today I’ve ventured into the Haunted Woods to have a chat with everyone’s favorite Kacheek: Eliv Thade! He’s been nice enough to lead me safely through his castle (so far) to the library, where I now sit by a warm fire on a very dusty couch—but I’ll write that off for his lack of servants. While Thade prepares himself for my questions (he mentioned something about tidying his bandages), I try to make myself at home.

Other Stories


In Color
I’ve known Dagny our entire lives. She grew up in the underground Bori tunnels in Terror Mountain. From the very beginning, she was different. Artistic, intelligent and optimistic, she was the complete opposite of every other Bori. It never bothered her that she had no Bori friends, but she did have me. et me explain that I am not her Petpet. My name is Erna and I am Dagny’s imaginary friend.

by 77thbigby


Heavy Metal
A Mote. A particle, or speck of dust. A tiny, inconsequential amount of something, usually pictured floating off to nowhere. A little bit of somethingness to punctuate the nothingness. This might be what always made me uneasy, when I thought of motes - that emphasis of space. At least, I think it was; before that day, when I started thinking something else.

by placebo_533


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Five
"Janet," the note began. "I know you know about what's been happening. I've been framed for something I did not do. I know you, and your first instict would be to check it out. Don't.

by chasing_stars44


Duplicity: Part Eight
“You have already violated the common law once, Jeran, and however good your intentions may be, there will be dire consequences if you decide to do it again. We will not allow it.”

by likelife96


Dinner with the Scarlets: Morning Matters
A good morning is one spent sleeping.

by june_scarlet


Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part I
In which Kaune shows the most polite way to wake someone up.

by amarettoball

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