Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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Real Life Avatars: Evil Fuzzle

by bearwife

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A Guild — A Place You Can Call Home
There has always been one feature I have found to be the most enjoyable experience. That experience would be the guilds of Neopia. Guilds enable this freedom to create an environment we are in control of. As long as rules of TNT are not broken the ideas and possibilities of guilds are endless. Let us find that guild, that unique one that you belong in — A comfy little corner in Neopia that we call home.

by jiaoemy


Normal is Boring
We go fishing!

by alexatina


The Cause of the Cursed Jazan
“Jazan, wait for me!” The young Kyrii glanced behind him with a sigh. “We’ve had to stop six times now! You’re too slow, Leta!” “It’s not my fault you’ve got longer legs than me!” the Yellow Kyrii stuck her tongue out at her older brother. “Maybe if you didn’t run so fast-!”

by xenna_15


The Best Soups for the Neopian Holidays
When the holidays come, there is absolutely nothing my neopets and I enjoy more than a good bowl of warm soup. It is a hardy, delicious meal that we love to eat around the fireplace. After spending all day at the Winter Starlight Celebration, having a random snowball fight, or playing a ton of winter themed games, it’s nice to warm up with a bowl of soup.

by mrsarias17

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