Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,552,674 Issue: 697 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y17
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Aisha Soup: Wig Out!

by the_shii

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After ACX: Part One
When it comes to the Altador Cup, there is no shortage of comment pieces from a wide variety of sources. But in every story, one viewpoint is missing. This is that missing viewpoint.

Part One - Snow

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Aurora's Assessment: Part Three
It was a typical day in the laboratory. I had started out my morning cleaning glassware, and had plans to meet Ysila for lunch. After about a week working at the lab, and living in the dormitories set aside for the experimental subjects, I had bumped into her the first day I had gotten up enough courage to venture outside again. She remembered me easily, due to my very distinct, mutated physical features.

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The Gallant Return of Kathryn and Tobin: Part Two
Finally the morning of the trip arrived. Tobin and I ran home from school as fast as we could, I because I was excited, my brother because he wanted to check for the eight millionth time that he had everything he needed packed. When we burst through the door, we found David and Gina standing in the kitchen with Mom.

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Coconut Shy
Try again?

by fourin

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