Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,552,674 Issue: 697 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y17
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Continued Series

A Stranger Tale of Goldrun: Part Four

“Ellie!” Desert Flower said. “We’ve been waiting to speak with you.” “About a shaman, yes?” Ellie said. “Victor's already told me. But I'm afraid we’ve seen no Boris by that description. We’ll keep our eyes out, of course, but we have bigger fish to fry at the moment, Desert Flower.”

by herdygerdy
Aurora's Assessment: Part Three

It was a typical day in the laboratory. I had started out my morning cleaning glassware, and had plans to meet Ysila for lunch. After about a week working at the lab, and living in the dormitories set aside for the experimental subjects, I had bumped into her the first day I had gotten up enough courage to venture outside again. She remembered me easily, due to my very distinct, mutated physical features.

by bittersweet52
The Legacy of the Black Pawkeet: Part Five

Rosa and I sat at a table in the Golden Doubloon, watching with amusement as Hannah danced around on another table, bragging about how we had just discovered her Uncle Bloodhook’s long-lost treasure. “She does this every time to celebrate.” I told Rosa with a chuckle. The Acara girl looked a bit bewildered.

Also by Medit92

by teamchao466

The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Two

Clarity looked back to Professor Wells and said,” Professor, please forgive me, but this is not my report. I bumped into someone in the hall and we must have gotten out papers mixed up. May I be excused to get my report back?”

Professor Wells frowned, but said,” Hurry up. I don’t have all day, Your Highness and I would like to finish our lesson.”

by purplbrooke

Through the Woods: Part Two

Kanrik and Jazan had been walking for quite a while, the two waving their torches around for better light. All they saw were endless trees and bushes, with the occasional petpet hopping past. Other than that, the place felt eerily abandoned; the silence only disturbed by the sounds of leaves and their footsteps.

by melina322
The Gallant Return of Kathryn and Tobin: Part Two

Finally the morning of the trip arrived. Tobin and I ran home from school as fast as we could, I because I was excited, my brother because he wanted to check for the eight millionth time that he had everything he needed packed. When we burst through the door, we found David and Gina standing in the kitchen with Mom.

by fields_of_gold
Search the Neopian Times


Secret Lives of
Invisible Pets

If you’ve ever seen someone on the Neoboards who seems to have nothing more than an empty box beside the name of their active Neopet, then you’ve come across an invisible pet! With the right background, and maybe a few wearable trinkets, they can look rather striking, and since and Invisible Paint Brush is only 300,000 NP, with a little saving you could have your very own invisible pet! However, it’s just possible that when you paint your pet, a little more goes on than you had first expected…

Other Stories


A Day in the Life of Jeronie
What an exhausting and frustrating day. My day off and I spent it cleaning out my overly stuffed safety deposit box. If only the first thing I had run into hadn't been my stash of smug bug sticky paper. I am glad no other Neopians stopped by to see me. First I got one stuck on my foot, and while trying to remove it got another stuck on my left paw. My teeth finally got me out of that situation. Where did the rest of the day go?

Also by starburst_cutie

by applefaerie99


The Discovery of Brightvale -- A Celebration
Splendid banners of green, white and gold hang proudly in every doorway. Tapestries and all manor of decoration imaginable adorn the walls of every hall. A grey Kougra in a smart black suit walks through the halls of Brightvale Castle, his dress shoes clicking on the cobblestone floor with every hurried step he takes. As he rounds a corner, he slows his feverish pace, and takes a moment to re-collect himself at a large, wooden door.

by dewdropzz


Faerie Cloud Racers Game Guide
If you’re interested in mastering Faerie Cloud Racers 1 then read on! This small guide is only the basics, but after practice and some of that “mastering” stuff, you might very well have a shiny trophy on your Neopia shelf. So, let’s get on with the guide!

by _d_o_g_


Snow Wars II: A Trophy Guide
Are you a trophy collector? A game enthusiast? Or maybe you just really want to become a champion of all the Neopets games! This guide will help you on your journey to reaching those high scores and obtaining yourself a very nifty trophy!

by magic_man_4_eva


Sloppily Colored Funstuffs
The only time Karow shows emotion.

by thesevenwonders


Let's Dance!
That's just not how this works.

by wokitana

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