Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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Bread and Butter

by _epiphany_

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Child of the Drenched: Return to the Depths - Part Four
Mara and Jacques swam up into the underwater cave with the air pocket. Neither of them had been in there since that fateful day all those years ago...

by kristykimmy


Finders Keepers
Something has happened!

Idea by rationalizing

by trubiekatie


Buyable NC Mall Items Worth Having in Your Closet
What about the NC Mall wearables that remain fashionably appropriate all year?

by venused


What Sandwich Are You? - A Quiz
Are you the kind of sandwich with too much ham? Or are you a chicken sandwich? Perhaps you have lots of cheese.

by fairygold

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