Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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Continued Series

Agent of the Sway: Discovery - Part Eight

"I'm working with Finneus to help undo this magic," Hopesmeade quickly lied. "I'm a visitor from Neopia Central."

by herdygerdy
The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Seven

If there was one thing Elrique lacked, it was punctuality.

by crazy_4_sushi
The Golden Quill: Part Three

"I grew up much like you, but I was treated better because I was a natural dark faerie. But I wasn't exactly popular among the dark faerie children..."

by ewagon
Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Nine

The Bori heaved an internal sigh. This could only mean trouble later. No doubt his master would be in a towering temper...

by shinkoryu14
The Color Yellow: Part Six

"If you see her coming down the hallway, we'll have a few seconds to hide."

by goodsigns
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Four

Hours of non-stop traveling took quite a toll on Setarian. Still, rest no longer seemed like a priority, only survival.

by parody_ham
Child of the Drenched: Return to the Depths - Part Four

Mara and Jacques swam up into the underwater cave with the air pocket. Neither of them had been in there since that fateful day all those years ago...

by kristykimmy
A Summer of Service: Part Three

"Roger, let Brogan go, please. He can't tell anyone about you or your flock," Nisha said.

by 77thbigby
Illusen's First Quest: Part Two

The glowing twig soon caught Illusen's eye, and she gasped realizing her emotions and tears had instilled magic in the tiny twig...

by shrinkme
The Faerie Thief: Part Two

"I'm not going back, Elyon," Sybille pouts, turning back towards the Lost Desert before the light Faerie can utter a syllable.

by pillsi
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Team Improvements

First off, an Altador Cup team is composed of 5 players, and theoretically those 5 players represent an aspect the world they're playing for (of course there are tons of exceptions, but I'm using an ideal situation), and generally you can't really sum up an entire World with just 5 things. Second, everyone has their own opinions on what species, colour, or...

Other Stories


The Daily Lives of Neopets
"Don't you know it'll be a matter of time till one of us goes to the pound again? This won't last forever."

by saphire_emblem


Stars Come Down
Every seed that landed in her hand jabbed out the beginnings of a root, but without any soil to sustain them, they burst like raindrops and disintegrated...

by searchingforneggs


Altador Cup Preparation
This guide features some of my favourite things to do as the excitement for the AC builds, but before it actually starts.

by usukii


What Sandwich Are You? - A Quiz
Are you the kind of sandwich with too much ham? Or are you a chicken sandwich? Perhaps you have lots of cheese.

by fairygold


Random Oddness
Mystyqee makes a new friend!

by mistyqee


Life in Their Neopia- Dangers of Gaming
You're on games duty this week.

by litmauthor

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