Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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Buyable NC Mall Items Worth Having in Your Closet

What about the NC Mall wearables that remain fashionably appropriate all year?

by venused
What To Do With Abandoned Pets?

Currently, there are more than 280 million Neopets in Neopia. That's... a lot of Neopets.

by swordlilly
What Sandwich Are You? - A Quiz

Are you the kind of sandwich with too much ham? Or are you a chicken sandwich? Perhaps you have lots of cheese.

by fairygold
The Myth of Supply and Demand

A Neopian can't simply talk about prices of something without coming upon the words supply and demand.

by rider_galbatorix
Keeping Those Cold Pets Cool: A Spring & Summer Guide

Five great ways of keeping your neopets cold and comfortable this spring and upcoming summer.

by porcelain__doll
The Best Way to Break into Unconverted Trading

Unconverted neopets are normally regarded as the most coveted pets in Neopia.

by choquis
The Lost Island

Mysterious, elusive and stormy, it's been floating around the seas of Neopia for almost as long as anyone can remember.

Also by iluvmeezerkatz

by _white_spirit_

Eight Game Avatars I Thought I'd Never Get: Part Two

This week I'll walk you through some of the most intimidating, time-consuming, and challenging avatars I've ever faced.

by maivry
Altador Cup Preparation

This guide features some of my favourite things to do as the excitement for the AC builds, but before it actually starts.

by usukii
Altador Cup Team Improvements

An Altador Cup team is composed of 5 players, and theoretically those 5 players represent an aspect the world they're playing for...

by pikachu315111
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"Stars Come Down" by searchingforneggs
It was one of those days when you just don't care how wet you are. A rainstorm was thudding against the swollen hill, strips of water peeling off down the sides and feeding the lake. The ceiling of clouds had tightened overhead, still like a painting but gradually deepening to a dark plum color along with the falling rain. We were soaked through...

Other Stories


Moving Day
Jimmy was still looking out the window, lost in his own thoughts. He was not nearly as excited about moving as his two roommates.

by nocturnal_ned


An Invisible Quiggle Seeing Himself
As he opened up his locker to put his stuff away, he thought to himself how nice it would be if he wasn't invisible...

by ohheyreplay


Illusen's First Quest: Part Two
The glowing twig soon caught Illusen's eye, and she gasped realizing her emotions and tears had instilled magic in the tiny twig...

by shrinkme


The Golden Quill: Part Three
"I grew up much like you, but I was treated better because I was a natural dark faerie. But I wasn't exactly popular among the dark faerie children..."

by ewagon


Mauwee and The Mysterious Egg Part 5
So Mauwee took the egg on a quest...

by reantimate


Problems in the Lost Desert
Something is terribly wrong in the Lost Desert!

by triteleia

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