Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 190,777,828 Issue: 585 | 8th day of Running, Y15
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by littleredchicken

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I Called Her Claudia
"Welcome to the family!"

by almedha


Niptors: One of Neopia's Under Appreciated Petpets
There are many petpets that go underappreciated, forgotten, or hardly known about despite the items, or even an avatar they're in. One in particular is the Niptor.

by dustinismine


An Exclusive Look at The Thieves Guild
They lurk in the shadows, just out of sight, and you don't realize they've been around until they're gone... and your pockets are lighter.

by moonandflowers


Cannon Fodder?
You can trust them to look after your precious belongings.

by natural_gal123

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