White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 190,777,828 Issue: 585 | 8th day of Running, Y15
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Short Stories

One Day Older

I'm Nicky, I'm a baby Kougra, and I'm seen as the youngest in my family. Not everyone knows that being the seemingly youngest is hard.

by melina322
I Called Her Claudia

"Welcome to the family!"

by almedha
A Fortune Told

Know what I tell is true.

by sweetiepie044044
Why the Thieves' Guild Got There First...

The door creaks open and a nearly toothless Yurble pokes his head out. He scans the shadows to make sure that you weren't followed, nods, then motions for you to follow him inside.

by sarahbunnii
An Evil That Lurks Among Us

"I have lost one of my pets. You haven't seen her around anywhere, have you?" she asked.

by conveyance
The Obelisk & The Thieves

The first thing one would notice upon entering the tavern would probably be the pile of socks located in the corner.

by joni242
Letters from the Plateau

None of us know what to expect of the obelisk. I arrived at the site some time ago - you may recall that this is my first excursion to Tyrannia...

by anthropologist
A Study in Seeking

'The sword is mightier than the... oh, wait...'

by usagisquared
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Reading Up on Magic

All the main factions of Neopia have announced their intention to seize control of the Obelisk, including some heretofore hidden factions which we know very little about! Katherine_The_Jewel convinced me to pledge my loyalties to Rasala the Bright as one of the Order of the Red Erisim. As is Katherine's nature, she also decided to drag me around the Neopian book shops so she could do some research to properly prepare for the...

Other Stories


Prepare for War--And Save Neopoints Doing it!
Everybody likes to have a good fight in the Battledome, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right equipment, right?

by erikareneelove


Reading Up on Magic
When dealing with something as powerful and dangerous as magic, it's always best to start with the basics.

by bittersweet52


Song of Silence: Part One
"It should be any day now," murmured a mother Draik, who lay by her nest, resting her snout on the closest of the three eggs inside.

by fields_of_gold


The Mysteries of Mr. Cuddles: Part Five
If she got half a chance, she wanted to see all four of those stuck-up maniacs, plus this Overlord dude, taking a face-plant in the dirt.

by saphira_27


Sketch Parade
Still the coolest, though.

by glitt_


KS: Deciding on Faction
The real reason why the Knight Squad is with the Thieves Guild.

by semmy_genius

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