Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 190,988,443 Issue: 589 | 5th day of Eating, Y15
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Unlikeable Sort

by keese_bat

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Seems Legit: Weapons
Certainly one way to seem more charismatic.

by shamaela


Androcles' Guide To Taking Care Of Your Petpet
I, Androcles the amazing Snow Candychan, decided that you Neopians needed even more education on petpets. So I welcome you to a very special second guide to teach you how to effectively take care of your petpet.

by twocents


MODERN WARF-AIR: The Aftermath
Neopian Jenga.

Also by spelt

by l_like_animals


Easiest Species to Zap with the Lab Ray
The seven Neopets species that are the least expensive to morph.

by blessed_faerie

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