Chet Flash wuz here |
Circulation: 190,988,443 |
Issue: 589 | 5th day of Eating, Y15 |
| Androcles' Guide To Taking Care Of Your PetpetI, Androcles the amazing Snow Candychan, decided that you Neopians needed even more education on petpets. So I welcome you to a very special second guide to teach you how to effectively take care of your petpet.
by twocents | | Do Good: Ways to Spread the LoveSpread happiness and cheer, clear up the winter blues!
by voyager27 | | Best Commemorative Items In NeopiaReminiscing over the past years, we witnessed lots and lots of events, games, and plots The Neopets Team put together for our merriment and enjoyment.
by darkobsession | | Planning the Perfect BirthdayOwners are in charge of making at least one day a year absolutely SPECTACULAR. Yes, I do mean birthdays.
by infantdaydream | | Stowaway Sting Made Easy!Many Neopians consider this one of the "hard" game avatars, but I'm here to tell you it's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
by fullyalive2 | | Remember to Visit the Forgotten ShoreWith Krawk Island safely discovered and Gavril McGill watching from the Governor's Mansion, it was about time we learnt more about this new map.
by trubiekatie | | 16 Easy(ish) TrophiesThis guide is about pointing you in the right direction and giving you some ideas of which trophies to aim for.
by usukii | | Easiest Species to Zap with the Lab RayThe seven Neopets species that are the least expensive to morph.
by blessed_faerie | | Altador Cup VIII Pre-season ReportFor most Neopians, melting snow is merely a sign of the coming Spring, but for a dedicated few the end of Winter marks the start of the Altador Cup pre-season.
by amarise |
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Headlines "The Puppeteer" by rachelindea The Hissi coiled in stone has a strange presence, both threatening and peaceable at the same time. He is carved wearing the traditional Shenkuu garb of the Hissi, fake scales and sharp spines along his back. If he were alive the costume would be a vibrant red, but now it is all just grey stone. But the thing that sets the statue apart from the others around the village is the face. It is slightly skeletal, two sharp fangs chiselled in where normally...
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If the Nickname Fits Sydney had earned the nickname "Basher" at an early age. The Kyrii was always in a hurry, always trying to get somewhere. She had never particularly minded the epithet; its implication that she was tough could only help her reputation.
by racoon188 |
Breaking the Rules And to think, I was so excited about the new plot a week ago. My red Xweetok, Ajax, was even more excited.
by conily14 |