Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 190,988,443 Issue: 589 | 5th day of Eating, Y15
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New Series

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Perception - Part One

Chloe smiled as she waved to her older sisters from the sidewalk. Today was her half day at her job at the Defenders of Neopia. That afternoon they were going to have friends over for tea.

by kristykimmy
The Puppeteer: Part One

The statue has stood at the edge of the village for a hundred years, or so the child has been told. He has spent many afternoons playing near the plinth with his friends, amongst the wildflowers that spring up during the warmer months. The Hissi coiled in stone has a strange presence, both threatening and peaceable at the same time.

by rachelindea
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"If the Nickname Fits" by racoon188
Sydney had earned the nickname "Basher" at an early age. The Kyrii was always in a hurry, always trying to get somewhere. She had never particularly minded the epithet; its implication that she was tough could only help her reputation. As she had never had any trouble living up to this reputation, there was no harm done either. Her parents, however, thought the nickname distasteful. To be fair, Sydney's parents found most things about her distasteful...

Other Stories


Rambus & The Ducks Who Did
It's Tuesday today, and Tuesday is a good day for us: our master grants us an allotted break of 44 quacks today, rather than the usual 4.

by moggetman


Where I Belong
The night we adopted Casyly was a strange night indeed.

by summertime_breeze


Androcles' Guide To Taking Care Of Your Petpet
I, Androcles the amazing Snow Candychan, decided that you Neopians needed even more education on petpets. So I welcome you to a very special second guide to teach you how to effectively take care of your petpet.

by twocents


Best Commemorative Items In Neopia
Reminiscing over the past years, we witnessed lots and lots of events, games, and plots The Neopets Team put together for our merriment and enjoyment.

by darkobsession


Unlikeable Sort

by keese_bat


Bully for you.

by pocky_of_doom

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