The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 190,227,707 Issue: 571 | 16th day of Storing, Y14
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Just Another Day

by miacirclegirl

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Keep Smiling: Part Seven
The throne sat on a raised platform. It brought whoever sat in it higher than anyone else in the room. But for three years, that throne had been unoccupied.

by blueys45


That Haunted Darkling, Delphine
No one knows from where Delphine originated, or what exactly had prompted her to settle down in Neopia Central. Many rumors circulated, but none dared to actually find out the truth: that would mean approaching the wicked Zafara herself!

by _norwegianfjord_135


birthday is not good thing...

by bobo24282428


Wow! 32 books is quite a lot...

by dollyholic

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