Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 190,227,707 Issue: 571 | 16th day of Storing, Y14
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Tips to Design Your Very Own Kreludor Cave

Need help designing a level for Hannah and the Kreludor Caves? If so, this guide is here to help!

by jesseduhlonghorn
Top 10 Winter Reads

Winter is just around the corner and nothing's better than curling up in front of a warm fire with a real page-turner (I mean come on, not all of us can live in Moltara)!

Also by elaborates

by winters_footsteps

Great Pets without Great Cost

There are many different sorts of pets around – nicely named, painted, good stats etc and some people seem to have all of them. So can you have pets that will make people envious without having the bank account of a billionaire?

by swordarts
Recipes the Esophagor is Forcing You to Make

While not the happiest corner of the planet, this most unholy land possesses, yes, a most... exquisite cuisine, forged by years of hardship and devious creativity.

by sofia97733
Magma Blaster Guide

And if that wasn't enough for the citizens of Tyrannia to deal with, they now have to avoid being hit by pieces of rock from one of their local volcanoes. I suppose if you were feeling particularly charitable you could go over there and give them a hand...

by usukii
Account Improvement: Hey, I Want That!

One thing is for sure, if you have put forth any effort into your account (young or old) it says a lot about you!

by incheesuswetrust
Preparing a Grand Autumn Feast in Neopia

Since you're having guests, you certainly must spring for a more expensive option than a turkey stuffed with those awful Grackle Bugs... and don't try scooping the Grackle Bugs out and restuffing the turkey with something else. Believe me - your guests will know.

by emburxii
Neopian Book Reviews: Neopian Times Issue 3

Happy Birthday, Neopia! Here's to many more years of fun!

by dr_tomoe
Neopian Fashions: Special Feature Birthday Issue

Well, it's that time of year again, one of the most festive times for all of Neopia. Yup, you guessed it! Neopets' birthday!

by petpet_master_
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Birthday Fashions

Well, it's that time of year again, one of the most festive times for all of Neopia. Yup, you guessed it! Neopets' birthday! The 15th day of Storing is when all of Neopia joins in celebration of the creation of their marvelous land! Faerieland and Darigan Citadel halt their ongoing feud, Jhudora showcases her trademark (not to mention rare) smile, even Edna sets aside her evil agenda and contributes to the birthday effort...

Other Stories


The Last Puzzle of Thade
What if the information I gave them lead to something completely false? I wouldn't want to do that, would I?

by rose_s40


That Haunted Darkling, Delphine
No one knows from where Delphine originated, or what exactly had prompted her to settle down in Neopia Central. Many rumors circulated, but none dared to actually find out the truth: that would mean approaching the wicked Zafara herself!

by _norwegianfjord_135


The Crystal Heart: Part One
This is it, Kassyandrya thought to herself as she rounded the corner outside of the Faerie Academy. She was finally here!

by kassyandrya12345


Ruined Library: Part Two
Lae and Akorri found Jinny outside the large room, standing patiently waiting for them by the door. The open sky stretched above them to replace the stifling ceiling inside. Both she and Akorri were unprepared for what they saw.

by aquadaika


Faerieland Problems II
You didn't know Queen Fyora has her own makeup artist? Of course she does!

by kikale107


Random Oddness
Perfect decorations for Christmasween!

by mistyqee

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