Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,227,707 Issue: 571 | 16th day of Storing, Y14
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Greyscale: Plushie

Common puns find their way into Neopia. It's classic! It's monochromatic!

by toffeedatepudding
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Flight

Yet another run-in with the island mystic.

by shamaela
3 - Dinner Discussion

How am I allowed to have Mr. Slug on the icon when he hasn't been around in... Oh, wait. There he is.

by supercheezee
Like Clockwork - Part Six

What do spells and group hugs have in common? Neither is complete without sparkles.

by keshia_songwings
Faerieland Problems II

You didn't know Queen Fyora has her own makeup artist? Of course she does!

by kikale107
Peppered Reality: New Guy part 5

Finally continued... not that anyone cared. :'D

by rivliex

#003: Allegiance

by rainletter
Just Another Day

Next week: A trip to the locksmith.

by miacirclegirl
Bad Apples

Glowing pets make excellent Fairground workers.

by blackfox81
No Candy!


by kuscochan
Wacky Weather

Predicting the weather isn't as easy as you'd think.

by sweetangel1927

Wow! 32 books is quite a lot...

by dollyholic
Out of Line

Still more normal than the other families in the times.

by narutoluvr935
Ventures #24

Operation T.R.E.K. Finale (1/2). ULTIMATE CLIMAX OF DOOM with expensive special effects!

by neo_coaster363
Unlikeable Sort

Hey, elderly pet!

by keese_bat
Mishaps & Mayhem

Crops beware!

by drackonwood
A Matter of Perspective


by liouchan
Happy? 13th Birthday, Neopets!


by mellen48
Random Oddness

Perfect decorations for Christmasween!

by mistyqee
Journey of a Woodland Spirit Part I

I didn't always live here.

by paws265
A Lot of Cookies

Happy birthday!

Also by martia_elior

by amarillida


birthday is not good thing...

by bobo24282428
Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Party Crasher


Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__


Some Neopets are asking why there are o many new neo-buddies on their accounts. What could be going on?

by hideri
Search the Neopian Times


Birthday Fashions

Well, it's that time of year again, one of the most festive times for all of Neopia. Yup, you guessed it! Neopets' birthday! The 15th day of Storing is when all of Neopia joins in celebration of the creation of their marvelous land! Faerieland and Darigan Citadel halt their ongoing feud, Jhudora showcases her trademark (not to mention rare) smile, even Edna sets aside her evil agenda and contributes to the birthday effort...

Other Stories


Birthday Gifts and Surprises
What day was it? The 13th. I hope I get out in two days.

It's a very special day. Someone's birthday. Someone very important.

by camillebooboo


Raspberries and Recovering Memories
"One step at a time, Cherry, you'll be there soon..."

The memory bounced around in my thoughts and I stopped suddenly, dropping the basket.

by dayoflove


Magma Blaster Guide
And if that wasn't enough for the citizens of Tyrannia to deal with, they now have to avoid being hit by pieces of rock from one of their local volcanoes. I suppose if you were feeling particularly charitable you could go over there and give them a hand...

by usukii


Preparing a Grand Autumn Feast in Neopia
Since you're having guests, you certainly must spring for a more expensive option than a turkey stuffed with those awful Grackle Bugs... and don't try scooping the Grackle Bugs out and restuffing the turkey with something else. Believe me - your guests will know.

by emburxii


Hissi Isle: Part One
Within a few moments the voice of Lightning, the pirate Quiggle, cut through the mists. "The fog is clearing, Captain!"

by _sme_


Time May Change Me: Part Three
Lichen had been acting strangely. Even for Lichen. Whenever she went shopping, she always took Smaug, and only Smaug.

by debbie1188

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