Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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The Lulz

by leeeeemon39

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Alien Aisha Ears - Borovan
Borovan is good for you, it puts hairs on your chest!

by seahorsepond


What Makes a Family: Part One
I opened my eyes, staring off into the emptiness of night in the Pound. The light from the moon cast shadows into my little cell, causing it to give the room a creepier feel than it should have.

by anj6193


5 Reject Usukis That Shouldn't Be Rejects
They're simply versions of the popular toys with defects of varying severity. Some people might consider dolls with these defects to be "unlovable," but nothing could be further from the truth.

by lutari_lover_555


Our Song
He sat in the dawn at top of a Shenkuuvian foothill, fiddle couched under his arm. In one hand, he held a bow carved out of dark wood...

by kittengriffin

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