Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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Unexpected Surprises

by lilyed

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Dead End: Cake?
It's Neopets' birthday!

by killable


Birthday Celebrations Are Fun For All
Every year on Neopets' birthday, pets gather from all around Neopia to throw spectacular parties and celebrate in style. This year is no different.

by hogwartsbean3


Recipe for Disaster: The Visitor (part 12)
In which the "visitor" takes his leave.

by prismfire


The Geraptiku Two: Part Three
"It's open!" Sivus cried.

Without even looking, I dove through the doors. Sivus closed it behind us swiftly enough to trap all the Crocalus behind us.

by virtuosoe

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