Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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A Blast From the Past Quiz

How much do you really know about Neopets over the years? Take this quiz about the history of Neopets to find out.

by lil_princess_of_evil
Generic Birthday Present Ideas

Are you one of those people who forgets about birthdays until the day before? If so, what do you do for buying that person a present?

Idea by chocolatekittens

by mucka33

The Super Fun Birthday Bash Crossword

In honor of Neopets' twelfth birthday, here is a fun little crossword puzzle that is all about the events that happened during Neopets' eleventh year of existence!

by kspare2
Spread A Smile: A Guide to Making Others Happy

A simple guide for those who want to spread kindness to other users!

by jazzehness
What Makes a Neopet Special

Some people have plenty of Neopoints, but they have a Neopet or two who they leave as a red, yellow, blue or green creature of a common species.

by ellbot1998
Mynci Beach Volleyball Guide: Tips for Scoring an Av

While it's true that it does take some practice to master this game, I've found it also takes some keen observation to really get a handle on it.

by xfillover1
Loosen That Belt and Feast Like a King!

Every autumn, the Meridell farms are bustling with hard working Neopians harvesting ripe fruits, vegetables, and grains to bring to your dinner table.

by vanilla_paw
Become a Champion at Chia Bomber 2!

Good day, students! Welcome to Chia Bomber 101!

by piximon990
Weisbauch Reports: Behind Capara’s Cards

Glamorous, meticulous and unfortunately easy to beat at Cheat! – ladies and gentlemen, it's Capara.

by arbenheist
The Twelve Most Momentous Events in Neopian History

As Neopets celebrates its Twelfth Birthday, we invite you to take a stroll down memory lane and explore with us the Top Twelve Events in Neopian History.

Also by gwendarwen

by blackwater444

Top 9 Ways to Celebrate Neopets’s Birthday

Gather some friends and get ready. This birthday celebration is sure to top them all!

Also by luckyone121

by babygirl122187

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"Cold Shoulder" by hazellauretta
"That's it! I've had it with you." Keion's yellow button eyes shone with the light of anger. "I'm leaving!" He spun around and disappeared into the dark hallway, his heavy footsteps echoing in the kitchen, where his owner and little brother stood in shock...

Other Stories


A Neositting Adventure
I had babysat them a couple of times and I really liked them. Their owner, an energetic girl named Tami, was a pretty good friend of mine. We grabbed Borovan together once a week or so.

by chestnuttiger787


Adventures in Brightvale Wisdom
"I don't want to be a normal Uni!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to be the smartest Uni there ever was, and King Hagan will be happy to meet me."

by ndfaerie


What's in a Name?: Part Two
Edna threw open the door to her tower with some force, and the smell of a foul potion greeted Cara as they entered...

by herdygerdy


Treasure Lost: Part Three
It was almost the end of Spirit's shift when a conversation between two Cybunnies at a back table erupted into an argument. "Yer nothin' but a landlubber!" shouted one. "And so's yer mother!"

by vampiroteuthus


Gamesroom Fun Part 3
Version Jelly Blobs of Doom

by pilicaracer


Hero For a Day 3/6
...Heat vision?

by djudju22_8

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