Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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Continued Series

Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Nine

And then he realized that the darkness seemed a little... blacker... than it should have. Horns rang out from the tops of the towers. "Shadows! Shadows! Shadows attacking!"

by saphira_27
Cloud Flute: Part Six

"How come you came after me?" Lae asked him curiously.

"I... can't let you... go do stupid stuff and... get hurt..." Akorri panted...

by aquadaika

Visions III: Revealed - Part Six

She heard the guard stand and say, "Queen Nabile! King Altador! Captain Brynneth! Ogrin Master! And..."

by yotoll
A New Line of Work: Part Five

"Nox curse it all!" Norton yelled, kicking the bulkhead in anger. This marked twice his former employee had narrowly escaped an untimely demise.

by thatsextraheretical
Stormclouds Over Meridell: Part Five

As the evening grew darker through the high windows, Skarl's Korbat jester took to the floor and began his first performance. Quai watched without interest, applauding politely...

by d_morton
The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Five

"It was an ordinary day for anyone in Neopia. An ordinary morning in Meridell. But one Gelert had a plan..."

by dudeiloled
Usuki Singing Stars #10: The BIG Birthday Blow-up - Part Five

"Sorry, ladies," said the Grarrl, "but rules are rules. You can only enter the Bash IF you have an invitation. No invitation; no party. It's as simple as that."

by downrightdude
The Witch and the Mortog: Part Four

"What—what is happening?" she gasped. 

"You are beautiful now," the mirror answered.

by secant

Beautiful Chaos: Part Three

"But we're the only ones crazy enough to be doing this. Do you want to come with us?"

by tanikagillam
Treasure Lost: Part Three

It was almost the end of Spirit's shift when a conversation between two Cybunnies at a back table erupted into an argument. "Yer nothin' but a landlubber!" shouted one. "And so's yer mother!"

by vampiroteuthus
What's in a Name?: Part Two

Edna threw open the door to her tower with some force, and the smell of a foul potion greeted Cara as they entered...

by herdygerdy
The Geraptiku Two: Part Three

"It's open!" Sivus cried.

Without even looking, I dove through the doors. Sivus closed it behind us swiftly enough to trap all the Crocalus behind us.

by virtuosoe

Big Big and Little Big: Part Two

"I told you to come on!" repeated Bigsby, getting a bit annoyed. "Bart! You're being so apathetic! You should take hold of your life and do something with it!"

by fuzzymonkey31
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Chia Bomber 2 Champion

You're here because you're brave enough to accept the mission with Geoffrey Chia and take down those nasty Chia Bombers (with an awesome reward of a secret avatar at the end). It's a tough task, but with my guidance, I am confident that you will prevail and drive those Bombers away! Before you jump right into the game, we should go over the basics...

Other Stories


A Violation of the Contract
He looked at her curiously, but his expression soon turned grave at her words.

"I'm offering you a business opportunity, Mr. Isaac."

by lightnsoundshow


Funding or How I Ended Up in the Meepits’ Employ
I squealed in delight. If this came through, I could still be a journalist and have a real job. I decided to celebrate by reading comics.

by kristykimmy


Spread A Smile: A Guide to Making Others Happy
A simple guide for those who want to spread kindness to other users!

by jazzehness


Top 9 Ways to Celebrate Neopets’s Birthday
Gather some friends and get ready. This birthday celebration is sure to top them all!

Also by luckyone121

by babygirl122187


Just Don't Ask! - Beggars and Bankers Part 1
Wow, that was irritating - should've gotten Random Event insurance.

by raynbow_light


Learn to dance in the rain.

by dylan_the_ninja

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