Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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True Tales From Neopia

by lil_jen_aside

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Hero For a Day 3/6
...Heat vision?

by djudju22_8


A Violation of the Contract
He looked at her curiously, but his expression soon turned grave at her words.

"I'm offering you a business opportunity, Mr. Isaac."

by lightnsoundshow


What's in a Name?: Part Two
Edna threw open the door to her tower with some force, and the smell of a foul potion greeted Cara as they entered...

by herdygerdy


Birthday Celebrations Are Fun For All
Every year on Neopets' birthday, pets gather from all around Neopia to throw spectacular parties and celebrate in style. This year is no different.

by hogwartsbean3

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