Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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"Surprise Inside" Indeed!

by qelato

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Great stories!


Aisha Aisha - Happy Birthday Neopets!
What's with the stupid Slorg cookies?

by sparklingneptune


The Super Fun Birthday Bash Crossword
In honor of Neopets' twelfth birthday, here is a fun little crossword puzzle that is all about the events that happened during Neopets' eleventh year of existence!

by kspare2


Cloud Flute: Part Six
"How come you came after me?" Lae asked him curiously.

"I... can't let you... go do stupid stuff and... get hurt..." Akorri panted...

by aquadaika


Dead End: Cake?
It's Neopets' birthday!

by killable

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