Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,258,786 Issue: 482 | 18th day of Awakening, Y13
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What's For Dinner?

by driftwood

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Reaching Your Goals
Whether you are gathering your dream pets, collecting avatars, trying to win game trophies, seeking to win a Beauty Contest or training a pet for the Battledome, setting goals helps you stay on course.

by blackwater444


Chia Hug!
On three...

Idea by carrbot

by bananerr


*shifty eyes*

Also by marcthegr8est1

by _kawaiidesu_


Best Vegetarian Foods In Neopia
If you are skeptical about the taste or quality of vegetarian foods, then please take a seat and continue reading. You may be surprised!

by saphireblue3

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