The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 184,258,786 Issue: 482 | 18th day of Awakening, Y13
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New Series

The Snow Princess: A Terror Mountain Tale - Part One

Long ago, there existed two neighboring countries: the Land of Merian and the Land of Delfinor.

by bluecloud300
The Chocolate Cake: Part One

Brianna was very popular at neoschool, as everyone always crowded around her, begging chocolate off her, and Brianna was always happy to give it away.

by sakura_blossom77
Neopian Nursery School: Part One

I stood in the middle of a mini war zone, my head throbbing as I watched my four baby pets fight with one another...

by nurseryteacher28
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"It's Ok To Not Love" by treihaven
Eon strode along the hallway of his school, chin up, smiling. When a large Lupe bumped into him, he didn't say anything, but just kept on walking. The young Plushie Bori clenched his books tightly, and hoped that the Lupe that he had bumped into wasn't injured or anything--that would just ruin his day...

Other Stories


Trash Everywhere
It is the idea of the Money Tree to give away stuff that you don't want, but sheesh, people could just discard that stuff because nobody wants it.

by dainta


Radiant Innocence
Steel rang against steel...

by mezvers


Top 10 Gifts for the Chia in Your Life
Now is the time to honor the Chia in YOUR life!

Also by jordyvaughn

by gloomyparadise


Best Vegetarian Foods In Neopia
If you are skeptical about the taste or quality of vegetarian foods, then please take a seat and continue reading. You may be surprised!

by saphireblue3


Hanging Offer
How about this...

by tammytas


Neopian Happenings
The Dangers of being a Chia are revealed!

by saqo

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