Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 178,232,619 Issue: 432 | 26th day of Awakening, Y12
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Footwear Frustration

by chazfox

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Awakening: Part Four
A muffled thump drew Jhudora from her thoughts. She glanced at the door, annoyed.

by linda_reincarnated


The Prophecy Faeries: Part Six
"How'd you do that?" Bernadette asked. "We don't learn healing spells until our last year at the academy."

by alex313


The Unlucky One: Part Two
Ashalyia coughed and waved away the smoke. "How was your book?" she asked.

by solcana64


Lani and the Beast: Part Five
Quavering, Lani crouched down and shuffled backwards until she was back in the safe veil of the jungle.

by selenial

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