Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 178,232,619 Issue: 432 | 26th day of Awakening, Y12
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New Series

Keep Your Friends Close, Your Anemones Closer: Part One

There was, I felt, an inherent design flaw in aquatic – terrestrial correspondence through Neomail.

by horripilated
Domination: Part One

"Rotten old tyrant..." I spat, scowling at my captors.

by akahakkou
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Designing Petpages

It is your first time creating a petpage (or second, third, fourth, or fiftieth) and you want it to be stunning. But you do not know what makes for a good petpage design? It isn't all about flashy graphics and good knowledge of graphic programs. The truth is that there are a lot of minor things you can do to enhance the visual impact of your petpage and make the visitor's experience more enjoyable! I have compiled a list of tips to help you avoid common mistakes of many first time designers. This article consists of three categories including the building blocks, the content, and...

Other Stories


Instability Among Defenders
There'd be no mistaking him for a superhero today.

by charybdis7


Yes, she was a lovely pink Draik indeed, beautiful and rare, the envy of all her owner's friends and their pets.

by natalia_ivanovna


Straight Forward Tips to Designing Better Petpages!
There are a lot of minor things you can do to enhance the visual impact of your petpage and make the visitor's experience more enjoyable!

by capsized


Collecting Site Themes
If you're reading this article, it was probably because you are confused at what site themes are.

by rider_galbatorix


Phosphofructokinase Diaries
Ever get the feeling you are missing something?

by parody_ham


Random Oddness
Having the one expression is a small price to pay.

by mistyqee

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